An organization is a way to structure persons, in a hierarchial way. An organization can also be a company in a B2B ECommerce website. An organization can be hierarical and have sub organizations. This is a good solutions if you want to stucture, let say divisions inside a company or geographical areas of a company.
Creating an Organization
To create an organization, in backoffice, relations module click New button in menu and select "Organization".
Note that the fields displayed will be in accordance with the "Template" you select.

An organization may have multiple addresses. To add an address simply click the "Add" button in "Addresses" section shown in above image.
You may mark the address either as a "Delivery address", a "Billing address" or as an alternative delivery address. These addresses will be used by ecommerce b2b websites you may develop., and you may decide which addresses to use for billing, and which as delivery addresses.