This section allows you to create Litium Studio ECommerce Campaigns. Campaigns are special discounts or special prices given to the end customer and can be used for
- Online promotional offers to drive sales.
- Customer loyalty programs to attract and retain customers.
- To clear slow moving items from your stocks.
A campaign consists of a "Campaign Action", which defines how the discount or special price is calculated and applied, and a set of "Campaign conditions" which defines when the campaign will be applicable.
Campaign actions are grouped into four areas for easy administration, called campaign types. Available campaign types are:
- Product campaigns: actions that results in a new product price. These special product prices can be shown in your product pages.
- Order discounts: actions that results in a discount to the whole order. End customer see these discounts as order discounts in the order.
- Fee campaigns: actions that results in reduced fees. End customer see a reduction in the fees in the order.
- Delivery campaigns: actions that results in a reduced delivey cost. End customer see a reduction in the delivery cost in the order.
A campaign must be active for it to get applied, therefore each campaign should be activated before it is visible to end customers. Administrator should always de-activate campaigns when editing and administering them. Campaigns are always created in de-activated state. Therefore, need to be activated in order for it to be used.
More than one campaign may be active at a time. Which campaign gets applied first is defined by the order in which campaigns will take effect. Administrator can change the order of campaigns. However, product campaigns will always run first, then order discounts, then fee campaigns and finally delivery campaigns.
A given order can have multiple campaigns applied to it, therefore enabling the end customer to enjoy multiple discounts. However, for this to happen, the campaigns should be allowed to be combined with the other campaign when setting up the campaign. If a campaign gets applied, and this applied campaign is not combinable with any other campaigns, only it will be given and all other campaigns will not be considered. Exactly which campaign will get applied first is defined by the 'order in which campaigns will take effect'.
Apart from being active, a campaign is only valid during it validity period defined by start date and end date. A scheduled task defined in web.config called CampaignDeactivator will de-activate all campaigns that passes end date, in order to improve performance. If you wish for a campaign to kick in a future date, simply set the correct start date and activate the campaign. Campaign will only get applied after the start date.
A campaign is only valid for orders with the same currency and website as the campaign.
Deleting a campaign is only possible, if there are no orders that uses it. If there are orders already, that is campaign had being used, and if you are no longer interested in the campaign, you may archive it. Archive is a place for all old campaigns. Archived campaigns cannot be activated nor edited, but you may restore (un-archive) these campaigns back, if you wish to use them again.
Each campaign may have a "Campaign page", which can be any page in your website, that explains to end customer about the campaign. If its a product campaign, when the user is eligible for the campaign, a link will appear to this page in the public website, if you are using the standard price webcontrol supplied with Litium Studio. Name of the link will be the name of the campaign you have supplied when creating the campaign, in the websites language. You may use a single web page that explains all your campaigns, if you wish so. This link will not appear automatically for other campaign types, but the application developer can obtain this link and show it in the cart as a regular web page link.
To create a new campaign, you may choose "New -> Campaign" from main menu, or simply Copy an existing campaign and change it.
Campaign Actions
Following actions are supplied with default installation. It is also possible for application developer to write your own actions.
- Buy any X products, get a discount on the cheapest: Campaigns that are commonly known as "buy any 3 pay for 2" and similar can be made from this. The end customer gets a discount on the lowest priced items he has choosen. If the discount is 100%, the lowest priced item will be given free.
This campaign is useful when promoting varients of same product or promoting different products together.
Specify the discount amount in the field "Discount Percentage". The quantity needed to be bought is specified by the field "Quantity needed to get a discount". In case of a "buy 4 get one at half price", this quantity is 4, and discount percentage is 50%. In this scenario, if user buy 4 items, he gets lowest priced item he choose on half price. If he buy 8 items, then he gets the discount twice, once per each batch of 4 items. You may limit the times a end customer may get discounts in this way by using the field "Maximum number of times the discount is given". If you set this field to 1, end customer will only get discount once, so in above example, even if he buy 8 items, he will only get one lowest priced item at half price. Leave this field blank if you wish not to restrict users ability to enjoy discounts from this campaign. Select the articles, product groups, assortments or product sets that are eligible for this campaign. If the products are dissimilar, always try to use product sets than selecting individual articles, because you can easily make the product sets into a single web page to make the campaign page.
This is an order discount campaign and the discount will be shown in the cart and end customers order as an order discount.
- Buy X of the same product, pay for Y: Campaigns that are similar to "buy 3 pay for 2", and only valid for the same product. The end customer gets a discount equivalent to the amount of products given free.
This campaign is useful in stock clearance scenarios, where customers are induced to buy more quantity of the same item.
Select the article, and specifiy the buy quantity and pay for quantity. In case of a "Buy 3 pay for 2" campaign, buy quantity is 3, and pay for quantity is 2. The end customer will see a discount equivalent to prise of one item in his order discounts, when he purchase a quantity of 3.
- Free fees: All fees are set to zero.
This campaign is useful to create customer loyalty, specially for high order values. Consider adding an order total condition (in step 3 of creating a campaign) to make it necessary for a customer to exceed a certain order value to entitle for this campaign.
- Free gift: A gift item is automatically added to end customers shopping cart.
This campaign is useful when promoting specific products, and also when merchant want to introduce new products to the market. Consider adding a "user has voucher code" condition (in step 3 of creating a campaign) when you want to promote a limited number of new products as free gifts.
Select the product you want to give as a gift. Normally merchants give one free gift per each order. This can be set by the "Quantity" field set to 1. Combined with a "user has voucher code" condition, merchant can limit the amount of free gifts going to a single customer.
- Free shipping: All delivery costs are set to zero.
This campaign is useful to create customer loyalty, specially for high order values. Consider adding an order total condition (in step 3 of creating a campaign) to make it necessary for a customer to exceed a certain order value to entitle for this campaign.
- Reduce order value by amount: A specific discount amount is given to the order. Campaigns that are commonly known as "discount coupons" can be made using this action.
This campaign is useful when creating fixed amount discounts to special customers. Consider using a "user has voucher code" condition and a "user belong to user group" condition together with this action. Merchant should create a special user group in relations module for his highly valued customers and send the voucher codes to them through email, to get this "discount coupen".
- Reduce order value by percentage: In this campaign, a percentage out of the amount exceeding the 'total of all order rows' is given as an order discount. Campaigns for example, "get a 10% discount on selected items, when customer purchases over 1000 SEK", or "get a 10% discount on selected items, when customer puchases over a quantity of 3" can be made using this action.
This campaign is useful to drive sales for customers who buy in large quantities or high order values, and specially in scenarios of stock clearance, where discounts can be as high as 90% of standard price.
Specify the "discount percentage", in the above example, this will be 10. Specify the "maximum discount amount with VAT" in scenarios where discount percentage is high, for example 90%, and you want to limit the maximum amount of total discount from this campaign any given order will have. Choose "Give discount to amount exceeding" and specify the amount, in case the campaign is similar to "get a 10% discount on selected items, when customer purchases over 1000 SEK", in which case, the amount is 1000. Choose "Give discount to quantity exceeding", in case the campaign is similar to "get a 10% discount on selected items, when customer puchases over a quantity of 3", in which case, the amount is 3.
- Reduce product price by percentage: A new campaign price is set to products, by discounting the list price (or existing campaign price) by a percentage. This is a product campagin, so results in a new product price that can be displayed along with the product.
This campaign is useful when merchant want to actively promote products by displaying the reduced price along with the product. If the discount percentage is high, consider limiting the maximum number of items that will receive the discount.
For example if giving 90% discount just once per item per order, when order value exceeds 1000 sek, set Percentage to 90%, set "Maximum number of discounts per item in order" to 1, and add a "Order total condition" of 1000 (in step 3). For each item you have specified, customer will get a 90% discount for one of them, if the order total exceeds 1000.
Specially note that, the limitation is per quantity each item, not for the whole order. If you had specified two items or a whole product group, and customer satisfies all other conditions, he will get discounts per each item.
- Set product campaign price: A special campaign price is set to products. This is a product campaign, so results in a new product price that can be displayed along with the product.
This campaign is useful when merchant want to actively promote products by displaying the reduced price along with the product. If the discount percentage is high, consider limiting the maximum number of items that will receive the discount.
For example if giving a product with list price of 500 SEK, on a discount price of 100 SEK, and only just once per item per order, when order value exceeds 1000 sek, set the selected articles campaign price to 100 and set "Maximum number of discounts per item in order" to 1, and add a "Order total condition" of 1000 (in step 3). For each item you have specified, customer will get it for 100 SEK, (but just one item), if the order total exceeds 1000.
Specially note that, the limitation is per quantity each item, not for the whole order. If you had specified two items, and customer satisfies all other conditions, he will get discounted price per each item.
Campaign Conditions
Following conditions are supplied with default installation. It is also possible for application developer to write your own conditions. These conditions can be applied to any of the actions above, and when specifing multiple conditions for the same action, for the campaign to get applied, all the conditions has to true.
- Cart contains article: if cart contains atleast one of the selected list of articles
- Cart contains product: if cart contains atleast one of the selected list of products
- Cart contains product from assortment: if cart contains atleast one product from the selected list of assortments.
- Cart contains product from product group: if cart contains atleast one product from the selected list of product groups.
- Cart contains product from product set: if cart contains atleast one product from the selected list of product sets.
- Order total: if the total of all order rows is greater than (or less than) a certain amount, with or without VAT.
- Quantity of a product in cart: if cart contains a certian quantity of an article, (or less than).
- User belongs to an organization: If user belongs to at least one organization from the selected list of organizations in relations module.
- User belongs to a user group: If user belongs to at least one user group from the selected list of user groups in relations module.
- User has voucher code: if the user has a voucher code, can define how many times voucher codes can be reused.