Setting up a project to extend plugins
This section describes how to create a project using Visual Studio to extend Litium Studio plugins or to implement addOns.
Step 1
Setup Litium Studio, either as a Web Application or a Website project. This example will assume you have Litium Studio as a website in Visual Studio.
Step 2
Add a "Class Library" project to your solution, with .net version 4.5.2. You may give a appropriate name to your project based on functionality you are extending or the addon being developed.
Step 3
Add references to appropriate Litium Studio dlls from webroot/bin directory. Most probably among other things, you will reference, Litium.Studio.dll and Litium.Foundation.dll.
Step 4
In your web site project, from property pages, add a reference to your newsly created class library project. This will autmatically make Visual Studio to copy your dll into the webroot\bin folder when combiling your project.
Now you can put your own classes into your class library project and extend or implement the inteface classes of Litium Studio, to inject your own logic.
Litium Studio uses Inversion of Control pattern and dynamically finds the interface implementations from code present in the webroot\bin folder. Therefore, if you have extended correct Litium Studio interfaces, they will be automatically loaded.