Price agents
Litium Studio has a built in support for interacting with price agents. The default price agents are: Price Runner, Kelkoo, and Prisjakt. This section describes how to work with these price agents. (To support any other price agent, see "Price agents" under develop section on extending this functionality.)
The urls to get price agent price lists
Following urls fetch the price agents price lists which are implemented by default.
- http://your-domain-name/PriceAgent.axd/Prisjakt
- http://your-domain-name/PriceAgent.axd/Pricerunner
- http://your-domain-name/PriceAgent.axd/KelkoXml
- http://your-domain-name/PriceAgent.axd/KelkoTxt
- http://your-domain-name/PriceAgent.axd/KelkoCsv
You need to register the above urls with the corresponding price agent. Note that domain name used in the DNS record should match the domain name specified in the website (as shown in ControlPanel\Web publishing\Web sites\ ).

In Product Catalog there are an option for each product, to determine if the product should be included in the price agent list.

By default, the items that are out of stock are not included in the price agents price lists. If you wish to add even items that are out of stocks, you need to enable it in the control panel as shown below.

Fields used in price agent price lists
Following fields are used in the generated price lists.
- ArticleNumber = article number of the article
- CatalogID = not specified by default
- DeliveryPrice = not specified by default
- DeliveryTime = not specified by default
- EAN = not specified by default
- ISBN = not specified by default
- Manufacturer = not specified by default
- ManufacturerArticleNumber = articleNumber of the article
- ProductCategory = product groups display name (if product group has parent groups, display names are appended seperated by a "-")
- ProductDescription = Not specified by default;
- ProductImageUrl = url to the display image
- ProductName = display name of the product
- ProductUrl = product url
- StockBalance = total of all stock balances in all warehouses.
- StockBalanceText = string defining in-stock or out of stock. The string is taken from module string values "PriceAgentOutOfStock" and "PriceAgentInStock"
- PriceWithoutVat = list price without VAT
- PriceWithVat = list price with VAT
To define values for fields that are left empty above or to define new fields, it is needed to extend the PriceAgentItemFactory.
Price agent prices are not real-time
Due to performance reasons, the price agent price lists are updated only once an hour. Therefore, changes to articles will not be visible immediately in the price agents.