Account settings
General settings for users in Litium Studio
Section: litium / foundation / accountsettings
- AccountType: Set account type to be used for users. Allowed values, "INTERNAL" / "AD" / "NOVELL". AD should only be used if AD users are involved.
- EnableSessionTimeoutsInGUI: Standard IIS settings allow a user to be inactive in 20 minuters before the session timeouts. By set false you will not be logged out even if you are inactive in more than 20 minutes.
System user
All settings for the system user.
Section: litium / foundation / accountsettings / systemUser
- enabled: If user could login in Litium Studio with Windows credentials from remote site (login is always enabled when browsing site from localhost), only members of the local group Administrators can log in. To change group to not use local Administratos; see systemUserGroup attribute.
- useSecureConnectionRedirection: If system should try to redirect the administrator to use https instead of http.
- systemUserGroup: Change group to another group than the local Administrators group, set the name or the SID of the group name by the pattern "[computername]\[Groupname]" as value. To allow the local group "LitiumStudio" to access administrations the value "computer\LitiumStudio" where computer is your local computername. If any builtin group should be used the computer is replaced with "builtin".
The group can also be changed per server, add the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Litium\LitiumStudio\SystemUserGroup as DWORD with the value of the SID or group.
Note that to use system account, login using an account with admin previledges in local machine or domain. Login as system user using a password set in web.config is removed from this version.
Password policy
Define the password policy, used for all users in Litium Studio.
Section: litium / foundation / accountsettings / passwordPolicy
- LockoutCount: How many wrong password attempts will Litium Studio allows before the accounts locks. -1 is unlimited.
- LockoutSeconds: How many seconds the account should be locked out when tried to logon more than LockoutCount times.
- ExpirePeriodInDays: In how many days must the user change password. -1 is unlimited.
- ComplexityRule: Set to true the password need to contains at least one character of the following groups; Non letter or digits, digits, lowercase letter, uppercase letter.
- LengthRule: Set to true if password must be at least 6 characters.
Contains all settings for Active Directory integration
Section: litium / foundation / accountsettings / directorySettings
- SyncInterval: Internal to syncronise users. -1 means never, instead a check will be done for each login.
- AutomaticAccountCreation:
- EnforceMinimumOneGroupMembership:
- HierarchicalGroupMembership:
Add a directory element for each domain which is used in this solution.
Section: litium / foundation / accountsettings / directorySettings / directory
- Domain: Domain to be used
- Server: Full name of the sync server.
- User: The account name of the sync user to use
- Password: The account password of the sync user to use
This section includes the possibility to add own defined pages into “My Settings” and into “System Settings”.
Section: litium / foundation / controlPanelPages
My settings
Section: litium / foundation / controlPanelPages / mySettings
Add a controlPanelPage element for each page that you want to include under “My Settings”.
- Page: URL to that page. Path starts from /LitiumStudio/Foundation/
- Icon: The path to the icon which will be used for that page.
- SystemStringKey: The key for which value that should be used as page name. Language dependent.
- Permission: Define what kind of permission that users need to have access to this page. Read more about permission types (Optional)
System settings
Section: litium / foundation / controlPanelPages / system settings
Add a controlPanelPage element for each page that you want to include under “System Settings”.
- Page: URL to that page. Path starts from /LitiumStudio/Foundation/
- Icon: The path to the icon which will be used for that page.
- SystemStringKey: The key for which value that should be used as page name. Language dependent.
- Permission: Define what kind of permission that users need to have access to this page. Read more about permission types (Optional)
This section includes the possibility to add scheduled tasks or start up tasks.
Section: litium / foundation / taskSettings
Scheduled Tasks
Section: litium / foundation / taskSettings / scheduledTasks
Add a scheduledTask element for each task you want to be executed in a specific range of time.
- Type: Fullname and Assambly of class to run
- Start time: Time to start task, if task runs more than once per day, first possible occurance will be found based upon interval
- Interval: Periodicity, can be D,H,M. eg 2d(every second day), 30M (every 30 minutes)
- Parameters: Parameters sent to task, optional
- allowOn: "computer:sitename,computer:sitename" - optional, both computer:sitename can use wildcard to match all *
Startup task
Section: litium / foundation / taskSettings / startupTasks
Add a startupTask element for each task you want to be executed during solution startup.
- Type: Fullname and Assambly of class to run
- Parameters: Parameters sent to task, optional
- allowOn: "computer:sitename,computer:sitename" - optional, both computer:sitename can use wildcard to match all *
This section handles files directory, SMPT-server and startupinformation
Section: litium / foundation / general
Files directory
Section: litium / foundation / general / filesDirectory
- Value: Upload folder to store files.
Section: litium / foundation / general / smtpServer
- Value: SMTP-server to use inside Litium Studio.
Section: litium / foundation / general / startupInformation
Define a page that can be displayed if Litium Studio has been restarted.
- Page: Startup information-page, if empty, use default. EXAMPLE: value="~/LinkToMyPage.aspx
- AutoRedirect: Automatic redirect after xx seconds. -1 = no automatic redirection, 0 = direct redirection
EventLog settings
Section: litium / foundation / general / eventLog
If you would like to configure the settings for how the event log is treated, you need to make the following addition to the Web.Config file:
<eventLog maxAgeInMinutes="60" deleteIntervalInMinutes="60" pollingIntervalInSeconds="5"/>

MaxAgeInMinutes = the maximum age in minutes for values retained in the EventLog.
Note: If the value is set too high, reading of old events might lead to slower start up.
DeleteInterval = the interval for deleting old values from the EventLog.
Note: A low value shortens the event log but also increases the number of queries sent to the database.
PollingInterval = the interval for checking the EventLog for new events raised at other servers
Note: A low value increases the number of queries sent to the database. (In a single server setup there is no need to change this value.)
Search settings for current solution of Litium Studio.
Section: litium / foundation / search
- enableChangeTracking: If true, then search indexes will be synchronizes with the underlying repository, by listening to events raised on data changes. This will affect the performance slightly. If false, indexes will not be updated until you manually update the index. That is commonly used when performing larger import jobs and is often combined with a scheduled task that updates the indexes during night.
- backOfficeFuzzySearchSimilarity: Fuzzy search similarity for backoffice
- publicSiteFuzzySearchSimilarity: Fuzzy search similarity for public site
Settings for Litium Studio Web Publishing
Section: litium / studio / cms
- enableGoogleSite: if true, it will be possible to access the Google SiteMap XML.
- useSecureConnection: if secure connection checks should be enables
- cacheSlidingTimeInSeconds and cacheAbsoluteTimeInSeconds: decide how long time the caching should hold objects
Settings for handling URL routing in Litium Studio Web Publishing. Add a disabledRoutingPath element for each route you want to disable. Read more about URL routing and configuration.
Section: litium / studio / cms / routing.
- Path: the path to be disabled, relative to root.
Settings for Litium Studio ECommerce
Section: litium / studio / ecommerce
- orderExportXslt: If a XSLT file is specified here, it will be used to transform the exported orders in Order Export functionality. The user will only get the transformed xml file. XSLT file should reside in the /Bin directory
- gateWayIP: If the web server is behind a firewall with port forwarding, this need to be set to the visible public IP (EXAMPLE: ""). Used for communication with providers.
Settings for Litium Studio Product Catalog
Section: litium / studio / productCatalog
- assortmentExportXslt: If a XSLT file is specified here, it will be used to transform the exported assortment in assortment export functionality. The user will only get the transformed xml file. XSLT file should reside in the /Bin directory
- enablePriceAgent: if true, it will be possible to access the Price Agents XML.
- cacheSlidingTimeInSeconds: If sliding is used, time for the item in the Cache to expire, will be updated on each request.
- cacheAbsoluteTimeInSeconds: if absolute time, the item will be removed from cache after the absolute time.
Settings for Litium Studio Media Archive
Section: litium / studio / mediaArchive
- ghostscriptPath: Needed to be provided if EPS-converter are going to be used. If ghostscript is not installed the value of GhostscriptPath should be empty, if installed, provide absolute path
Settings for Litium Studio Newsletter
Section: litium / studio / newsletter
- emailContentTransferEncoding: Define the email content encoding. Read more at AspNetMail.
- msPickupDotStuff: In some earlier versions of Microsoft, it was a bug that identified that if the line started with a dot (.), it would remove it. If the line only had a single dot, the email would be empty and it would not be sent. Since most of the servers are patched, this is added as a parameter. Leave as false in almost every case.
- sendScheduledNewsletter: If this isntance should send scheduled newsletter
- msPickupPath: path to the filesystem where the pickup folder exists, parameter optional and if empty the settings will be in control panel for the installation
Settings for the storage handler.
Section: litium / studio / storage
- useCdn: if cdn support should be enabled
- useSecureCdn: if cdn should be enabled on secured page (SSL)
- cdnHost: Hostname for the cdn-network
- cdnSecureHost: Hostname for the cdn-network when browsing over SSL
This section will allow you to change the SQL time out settings for specific SQL stored procedures.
Add a commandTimeOut element per stored procedure.
Section: litium / commandTimeouts
- Command: The name of the stored procedure.
- Timeout: Time in seconds.