- Configuration is done with the new format that is used in ck-editor (the old files from fck-editor cannot be used).
- webSiteId is the ID for the website without dash (-) and brackets ({ or })
Define your own configuration
When defining your own configuration for a site you should use a configuration-file for the module:
- Styles sets are configured in /Site/module/Editor/config.js
- CMS can have different configuration files for each website, webSiteId is used in the file name
If /site/CMS/Editor/config_[websiteid].js exists this file will be loaded instead of the above file.
In path /Site/Editor you can also create a javascript-file named globalConfig.js that will be executed together with all the other configuration files to be able to set site specific settings, example the "CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent = true;" to tell the editor to not strip away non text formatting html-tags like script.
Define your own styles
When defining your own styles for a site you should use the style-set name “litium” in a configuration-file for the module (configuration is done as it is described in http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_styles)
- Styles sets are configured in /Site/module/Editor/styles.js
- CMS can have different configuration files for each website, webSiteId is used in filename.
If /site/CMS/Editor/styles_[websiteid].js exists this file will be loaded instead of file above.
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'litium',
// Block-level styles
{ name : 'Blue Title', element : 'h2', styles : { 'color' : 'Blue' } },
{ name : 'Red Title' , element : 'h3', styles : { 'color' : 'Red' } },
// Inline styles
{ name : 'CSS Style', element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : 'my_style' } },
{ name : 'Marker: Yellow', element : 'span', styles : { 'background-color' : 'Yellow' } }
Define your own templates
When defining your own templates for a site you should use the template-set name “default” in a configuration-file for the module (configuration is done as it is described in http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/Templates)
- Templates are configured in /Site/module/Editor/templates.js with template-name default
- CMS can have different configuration files for each website, webSiteId is used in filename.
If /site/CMS/Editor/templates _[websiteid].js exists this file will be loaded instead of file above.
// Register a template definition set named "default".
CKEDITOR.addTemplates( 'default',
// The name of the subfolder that contains the preview images of the templates.
imagesPath : CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'templates' ) + 'templates/images/' ),
// Template definitions.
templates :
title: 'My Template 1',
image: 'template1.gif',
description: 'Description of My Template 1.',
'<h2>Template 1</h2>' +
'<p><img src="/logo.png" style="float:left" />Type your text here.</p>'
title: 'My Template 2',
'<h3>Template 2</h3>' +
'<p>Type your text here.</p>'
] });
Define your own content style sheet (CSS)
When defining your own content style sheets for a site you should use the stylesheet-file for the module.
- Styles are configured in /Site/module/Editor/editor.css
- CMS can have different configuration files for each website, webSiteId is used in filename.
If /site/CMS/Editor/editor_[websiteid].css exists this file will be loaded instead of file above.