Personalize content and campaigns
Display relevant and targeted content and campaigns towards specific visitors to you website by using the new feature Target groups. For example: A visitor has looked at a product you can show that or similar products in for example product listings or set a campaign price.
Simply segment your website's anonymous visitors into target groups to which you can add a number of conditions. There are more than 10 prebuilt conditions (for example "Has product in cart") shipped with Litium studio which you can combine freely. Simply add conditions from a list in back office. It is also easy to build your own unique conditions. The campaign engine has a new condition called "Customer belongs to target group" so that you can personalize campaigns.
The benefit of personalized content is a better customer experience and higher conversion rates.To make sure you get the look and feel you want for each visitor we have added the option to "preview pages as target group" in Web publishing.
Tier pricing
Tier pricing is used when prices are based on quantity. For example: if the customer buys 1 item the price is 10 SEK, if the customer buys 10 or more the price is 8 SEK.
Tier price/Bracket price (stafflade priser)
Possibility to set price on purchasing quantity intervals:
Buy 5, pay $10 each
Buy 10, pay $9 each
Prices for anything that not have minimum quantity 0 will not be indexed to not break any existing code.
Back office redesign making everyday work easier
We have put a lot of focus on improving the overall user experience for Litium Studio editors and administrators. The entire back office now has a new fresh feel and a lot of minor redesigns have been made in order to improve everyday tasks. That includes new CSS styles as well as ajax loading of tabs, new tab structure and grouped properties for improved overview.

News in Web Publishing
New tabs that can be switched without reloading the page
The tabs in the web page editing view has been diminished to three - Content, SEO and Settings. The Templates and Files tabs are removed and page templates are now found under the Settings tab. Files and Images properties can be either under the Content or the Settings tab. And what's more the tabs are loaded without page reload which makes switching between them much faster.
By removing the column showing the web page template icon, you get a better focus on the page content. You can still find the template icons in the Settings tab.

Grouped fields when editing pages
To structure the information in your web pages, you can now group the information fields in the way that suits you best. In the control panel you just select the page's Content Fields and add a group name. Properties with the same group name will automatically be grouped together in back office. This makes it a lot easier to find the information when editing, but can also be used for structuring when presenting the information to a site visitor.
Properties are grouped by name in the Control Panel:

And look like this in Web Publishing:

Stay in edit mode after saving
You are no longer redirected away from the editing view after clicking Save. Instead you get a notification that your work has been saved and whenever you like you can go into preview mode.
Preview pages in different screen sizes
With our new Preview function you can easily switch the preview of your pages between defined screens with a click. For example you want to view the page you just created in an Android mobile and an iPad in horizontal mode.

Preview pages as different target groups
There is a new preview mode where you can get a look of your page the way a specific group of visitors will see it, if you work with personalized content. All predefined target groups will appear in top of the edited page and you simply select from there.

Shared and translation pages - choose wich pages to be affected by changes to the master or original language page
When publishing, time publishing, unpublishing or time unpublishing a master page or an "orginal language page" it is now possible to choose which shared pages should be affected the same way. If the editor has "publishing permissions" he or she is allowed to check or uncheck shared or translation pages in a grid.
Improvements when handling media - images and files
Firstly, the option to directly upload media files from a local computer is removed. All uploaded images will be added to the Media archive. This simplifies the work for future editors when wanting to find media files added by previous users.
When you select an image and open the Media Archive dialog window the folder where the image is located is now opened. If no image is selected, the dialog remembers the last folder you visited during the same session. For example: you want to add more than one image from the same folder in the Media archive but in different pages. The media dialog window will remember the last folder you downloaded an image from saving you the time to find the folder all over again.

News in the Product Catalog
Fast lane to editing mode
The user can now double click a grid row and go directly to the object's Edit view. For example, to edit an article you double click the row in the grid and go immediately to editing without clicking the Edit button.

Copied articles automatically gets the article name as url
Just like when you create an article for the first time, Litium Studio now automatically sets the URL for copies to be the article name, instead of the article number.
Possible to copy a variant group with variants
It is now possible to copy a variant group with selected variants included.
Article number on variant groups
In many cases the article number of a variant is derived from base number and extended with suffixes. With the introduction of article numbers on variant groups, it is now much easier to find your variant groups and it's ingoing variants by sorting on the article number column in list views.
Smarter grids remember state when going back
For exampl, let's say you filter your orders to display orders placed on a specific date in time. You select "view order", look at the order information and when you go back to your filtered list it still remembers your filtering options. This logic is improved for all grids in Litium Studio.
Improved multi edit of articles and variants
The mulit editing view is now a separate page and can be used for multi editing both articles and variants. It is also redesigned to be more comprehensible with a small editor for description field. It is possible to show and hide languages but language independent fileds are always shown.
Just mark all items you want to edit and click the Edit button.

All selected articles/variants are shown in one view.

Improved editing of variants in variant groups
A new more userfriendly grid for editing variants has been added to the Variants tab. It shows a thumbnail image followed by article number, name, url and status.

Publish the same variant group in different assortments with different sets of variants
We have added the possibility to have the same variant group as a product in different assortments, with different sets of ingoing variants as an option.
For example:
Variant group "Poppy t-shirt" has 6 variants
1: S, Black
2: M, Black
3: L, Black
4: S, White
5: M, White
6: L, White
In assortment A the variant group exists as a product with the variants 1-4, and in assortment B the same variant group is a product with variants 1-6. Variant groups existing as products in the same assortment cannot have different sets of ingoing variants.
Save your searches in the Product Catalog
Individual users can now save their searches including selected filters by clicking a button in the toolbar after the search is made. The searches are saved in the left menu tree and can be reused, renamed or deleted.
- Both searches from the "ajax"-search text box and the advanced search can be saved
- Both the search terms and selected filter options are saved

Improved product ranking in search engines with canonical links
Products placed in multiple product groups get different url:s and are considered by search engines as duplicate content which drags the search ranking results down.
For example, a table may be placed in both product group "Dining tables" and "Kitchen tables" as well as in product set called "Dining room inspiration". To improve search ranking you should point out which is the "original" product. This is done in HTML by a "canonical link". To make it simple, we added a button in back office caller "Searchable" where you can choose which product you want the search engine to prefer.
Read more about the new "Searchable" function >>>
Export voucher codes to Excel
For customers to be able to work with voucher codes in systems others than Litium Studio there is now a button to "Export to Excel" in the campaign engine.

New dashboard widget to get news from Litium Knowledge Center (KC)
Make sure you don't miss any product news, releases, updates, fixes and other news for developers and administrators from the KC RSS-feed into your dashboard. Just drag-and-drop it onto your dashboard and it's ready to go.

Visit statistics and Prospect Finder link is removed
The Statistics link including "Prospect finder" and "Visit statistics" has been removed from Litium Studio web publishing module since most customers use Google Analytics for statistics. Litium Studio has built-in support for Google Analytics.

Use external (social) login on your site
With Litium Studio 4.7 you can use external (often called social) login providers, for example Google or Facebook. Read more>>>

Want to time publish at a quarter past? Now you can!
We have added the ability to time publish pages, price lists and campaigns by the minute instead of only by the hour.

New editor with support for Internet Explorer 11
The editor in Litium Studio is upgraded from CK Editor 3.6.2 to version 4.3.1 which includes new features, bug fixes and support for Internet Explorer 10 and 11. For all new features, please visit the CK Editor blog.

Overall performance improvements
To largely summarize the performance improvements, all caches have been rebuilt for better performance. Indexing has been optimized to reduce indexing time and disc space for customers with many languages. The result is a faster experience in back office as well as on the public site.