Release notes

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7 minor version and service releases.

Breaking changes (from version 4.7.4)


The following interfaces have been changed to improve the performance in the campaign engine. The interfaces are used as the core part of the campaign processor engine.


If you use any of the interfaces in your code you will get build compilation errors and need to update the parameters into the methods. Both of the changed methods get CampaignHandlerArgs or CampaignProcessorArgs containing all the parameters that were previously sent one by one.

Following the breaking change the Accelerator 3.2 needs to be updated. The file SortAndFilterExtensions.cs found inside the project "Litium.Studio.Accelerator" and folder "Search" need to be changed according to the breaking change. Make the change as the image below.


The third party component Dapper is updated to the latest version. When we updated the component we also switched from own-signed component to public-signed component. This means that you need to update your references and recompile your project if you are using a reference to the previous version of Dapper.

If you use Dapper's nuget-package you should use the package named "Dapper.StrongName" found here:

Developer notes

Projects using the Accelerator will get an error message saying that files are missing in \Site\CMS\Panels\MenuLinkDisplayOptions.ascx when compiling after upgrading to Litium Studio 4.7.3 or later. Remove the rows and recompile.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="ProductCatalog" TagName="ProductCatalogDialog" Src="~/LitiumStudio/WebUserControls/ProductCatalogDialog.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="InternalLink" TagName="InternalLinkDialog" Src="~/LitiumStudio/WebUserControls/InternalLinkDialog.ascx" %>

<InternalLink:InternalLinkDialog id="InternalLinkDialog" runat="server" />
<ProductCatalog:ProductCatalogDialog ID="ProductGroupDialog" runat="server" PageSize="13" />   

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.10 service release (important)

Release date: 2018-05-28

Improvements and fixes 

E-Commerce module

41892    Security vulnerability for order management in back office

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.9 service release (important)

Release date: 2016-09-26

Improvements and fixes 


34919    Upgrade to latest SpreadsheetGear
34687    Extend customer and address objects to support more fields

E-Commerce module

34970    Upgrading from 4.6 to 4.7 will throw DB exception in trigger OnECommerce_CustomerInfoCreateUpdate
34786    Performance improvement: Fetch order in API

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.8 service release (important)

Release date: 2016-05-10

Improvements and fixes 

This release contains fixes for payment providers to be compatible with LitiumStudio versions (LitiumStudio 4.7, LitiumStudio 4.8 and Litium 5).

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.7 service release

Release date: 2015-10-15

Note! Developer notes and breaking changes above

Improvements and fixes 


31419    No error message when CommonFiles directory is not readable/writable
31413    Search indexing stops when error

Web Publishing module

31414    UrlRedirectFctory will not handle encoded urls without querystrings

E-Commerce module

30572    Bad performance when deleting order/orders
30988    Using same assortment on different websites causes priceagent scheduled task to generate wrong category names
31418    Client IP stored on server is incorrect when running behind certain proxies

Product Catalog module

31421    Article with an url that contains more than 250 characters will throw exception
30208    Article view page doesn't handle price when lacking price for 0 min quantity
31415    Price agent item factory is not returning image-url from CDN
31416    Performance improvement: Template and Field Definition cache is hitting db if template or field name does not exist
31412    Performance improvement: Get all delivery methods is always touching database
30754    ItemCache is not threadsafe when adding information that causes products to be unpublished in some cases

Media Archive module

31417    Performance improvement: Metadata on fields are not cached
31420    Can't download file from search result in Media archive

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.6 service release (important)

Release date: 2015-03-04

Note! Developer notes and breaking changes above

Improvements and fixes 


29838 The Storage handler doesn't work if filename contains "&" character

Web Publishing module

29833 Redirects will not always take the best matched row
30092 SiteSearcher().Search() throws PageReadPermissionRequiredException

Product Catalog module

29957 Expanding assortments works verry slow sometimes
30060 Performance problem connecting organizations to pricelist

Media Archive module

29978 It is not possible to sort the files by date in the Media Archive

Relations module

29922 Slow performance when fetching organizations
30154 Through the API is it possible to create an organization without title causing an error when accessing it in back office

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.5 service release (important)

Release date: 2015-01-27

Note! Developer notes and breaking changes above

Improvements and fixes 


29426 Error if using Relations module popup in E-commerce when creating a campaign
29264 Performance improvement in CDN filter module
29340 Stop/start indexing can create SQL connection leak with unclosed connections
29290 Some strings in the resource files are overwritten by language dependent values for the English language
29797 Search by range is not working for type integer

Web Publishing module

29305 Changing index (sorting) on a page will trigger page moved-event for all child pages
29604 Trouble selecting a file from the Media Archive if single quote symbol (') in the field title

Product Catalog module

29338 Removing a product and using the same url as the removed product causes 404 page not found
29374 Index was outside the bounds of the array on GetVariantGroupStatus
29456 Get ProductIds by Article or VariantGroup are not cached
29487 Litium Studio cache does not refresh ProductToProductRelations and ProductToProductGroupRelations
29513 Can't set zero price on an article
29777 Decimal fields are not searchable

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.4 service release (important)

Release date: 2014-11-13

Note! Developer notes and breaking changes above

Improvements and fixes 


28907 Embeded resource reader not working with dynamic assemblies
28993 VariantGroup.ArticleNumber is not included in the search index Body field
29164 Performance optimization of campaign processor

Web Publishing module

28864 The MediaArchive dialog upload buttons are hidden and doesn't appear when switching folders with different permissions
28870 An upgraded site having a website without the mandatory field domainname set, links in the editor will not be resolved correctly
28884 If user doesn't have permissions to a file/image the page can not be edited
28922 Error (500) or page not found (404) are not working if there are no custom error pages
29009 Published pages won't show because of error during indexing
29108 Get page based on pagetype is not using cache

Product Catalog module

28842 Read-only boolean product catalog fields causes backoffice error when editing articles
28856 The text middle property is missing translation at the field definition view page
28928 New campaign "add product" can't find variant
29000 It is not possible to save negative values to a numbers field
29040 Variants are not indexed in an assortment showing all variants, if one of the variants is not shown in another assortment
29044 Applying a new language at the settings tab is not reflected straight away in fields on the general tab
29119 Whitespace at the end of a product list causes problems

E-commerce module

28945 Order total report consumes all memory
28904 Cannot sort campaigns in back office if switching sites at the sort campaigns page

Media Archive module

28889 After a file is uploaded through the dialog it is not visible for that user in the module
29184 CDN generates wrong links for images created with the editor, if the same image is inserted multiple times

Relations module

28635 If a new field is added to a relations template all previous groups are gone
28695 Unable to create a person from relations search result
28857 Groups in the relations module are not indexed correctly
28877 Cannot "add new" after viewing search result
28946 Error on last step when creating groups (on add persons page)

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.3 service release

Release date: 2014-10-06

New features

  • To improve SEO, the Keywords field in the SEO tab has been removed and two new checkboxes are added: Index page and Follow links on page. Read more about working with SEO >>>
  • A tooltip in the Web Publishing module now displays page information for publishing time, username etc.This information was previously in the area where you now find checkboxes for screen size and drop-down for target groups.
  • Control panel user interface to administer permanent URL redirects. Add url:s manually or import/export from Excel.This is an option for you to keep traffic from old campaigns or web sites. Read more about permanent redirects >>>

Improvements and fixes (Note! Developer notes above)


28036          Administration of Url Redirects
28217          Upgrade from 443 to 472 causes error
28531          The left tree view doesn't show the selected panel in "Product Catalog panels"
28632          CurrentState.Current.WebSite != null in a task throws NullReferenceException
28673          Collapse/expand the filter field is not working in Firefox and Internet Explorer
28756          Search index increases in size creating many files with deleted content on disc
28777          Improved storage handler - downloading images result in broken images
28805          The application doesn't close database connection when indexing order
28808          Add TermVector on ProductGroupId to read tag terms from the hits in search
28811          CdnFilterModule executes for all requests, even if the module is not used
28816          UrlRedirect handler will not redirect request to expected url
28836          WebLogg will not serialize large objects
28843          PluginsConfig.Instance.GetSolutionAssemlies() does not fetch all assemblies in the bin-folder for Windows Services
28844          Custom error-pages in the Web Publishing module does not work

Web Publishing module

28040          Improve SEO tab
28113          Editor doesn't see all pages in the Web Publishing module for editing
28171          Unpublish time doesn't work if a page is time published
28526          Pages are still time published even if moved to the trashcan or archive
28624          Website text button causes backoffice error if previously not existing
28636          Editor image looses link
28651          Clearing the file property causes website to stop working
28655          Required messages on the SEO tab are floating together with the text on the page
28688          After data form file property is deleted there is still a link to delete file
28718          User with Content permission doesn't see the files in the Media archive even if there is read permission for visitors
28757          Error if cancelling creation of startpage

Product Catalog module

28172          Error when using the translate function in the Product Catalog
28183          Copy variant group needs improved layout
28717          The File field is empty at the translate page if it is language dependent
28741          Product is not created with drag and drop from search
28746          Decimal fields in the Product Catalog doesn't keep ","
28761          There is no confirmation/error message when creating a product from search result
28773          Stockbalance cache fetches stockbalance one-by-one stopping the event manager working fast after each large import
28794          Error when running job consumer
28826          Unable to update a warehouse that doesn't have an address
28829          Decimal values (multi language) are not correctly formatted in multi-edit view
28832          If an image field is language dependent there is an error on the article translation page
28173          The text is outside the grey area when copy/pasting an article

E-commerce module

27925          Low performance when searching in E-commerce module
28652          Payment provider report callbacks are not working after upgrade to 4.7

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.2 service release

Release date: 2014-08-13

Improvements and fixes

Web Publishing module

28079 Cannot import page type because of incorrect CMS_SetProperty stored procedure
28130 Can't change folder in MediaArchiveFolder-property
28144 Connection pool timeout

E-commerce module

28088 Currency formatting only allows 10 characters

Media Archive module

27676 When deleting all metadata on an image, no link appears to add new metadata
27887 Delete icon doesn't work on first click after adding Meta data to an image and trying to leave the tab
27872 Enhanced UI design for metadata tab when editing

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7.1 service release

Release date: 2014-07-03

Improvements and fixes


27933 Cannot upgrade 4.6.2 database to 4.7 without db-exception being thrown
28018 IoC registrations log does not contain all registered objects
27884 Invalid column name 'IsECommerceCustomer' when upgrading from 4.6.2 to 4.7
27908 Change IndexJobQueue to use memory queue as default
28012 Windows authentication is not working


27931 Error in stylesheet for the module menu in backoffice

Web Publishing module

27804 Removing images in the CMS module before upgrade are not removed when saving/publishing the page
27851 Publishing a working copy for a shared page where the masterpage has changed shortname doesn't work
27885 CK-editor doesn't work correctly for templates with html code
27906 Sitemap.axd is not always working
27928 Certain querystrings break Litium.Foundation.Modules.CMS.Plugins.Routing.UrlRedirectFactory when page is not found
27954 ISecureConnectionResolver is ignored for https requests
27958 Remember open/close state on page load for page top area

Product Catalog module

27870 Null reference exception in Product Catalog Events
27927 Remove button not visible for relations
28025 Unparsed Guid when mouse over delete button for relations

E-commerce module

27918 Problems setting up a campaign with actions

Relations module

27788 Text in toolbar is missing when pressing "Cancel" from Advanced search
28008 After clicking cancel from advanced search it is still selected but in the grid it's listing persons

Release notes Litium Studio 4.7 minor version

Release date: 2014-06-09


Read more about what's new in Litium Studio 4.7

Improvements and fixes


16080 Telerik grid used in Litium Studio backend doesn't remember state
26178 Use product stylesheet minifiaction instead of base.ashx
27330 Indexing of html-fields will not decode encoded characters, ex åäö
25814 Solution.Instance.Languages.GetLanguage(language name) is case sensitive
26031 Language should not clone all languages when returning the object
26819 Too long and negative information string "index is updating..."


24405 A widget added to the Dashboard should be placed first in the area where it is dropped
27115 The dashboard should not always load the js-api from
25143 GA widget loads with incorrect date
25936 Dashboard widget cannot read rss-feeds in some cases
27433 Add space between input field and login with Google account for PageTopList widget

Web Publishing module

22479 GetUrlToImage Bug if multiple requests are executed for the same file
22763 PageTypeId is not a readable search tag
23217 Default website checkbox label toggles Include VAT checkbox
23653 Suggestion: Text control to remove br tags
23713 YUI compressor background-size bundle problem
23782 Threading issue with Dictionary in GetUsersSearchPermissions
23898 Improvement: Quotes in url are not removed
23941 Can't publish edited page when page type can be versioned but versions to keep equals zero
23973 Apostrophe character not allowed in Search Words tab
24114 When trying to use a url-name for a page that already exists it is hard to find the other page
24704 Web site textstring from the wrong website is presented in edit mode
24707 Update settings on property when running PageTypeDefinition
24993 minwith = maxwith on uploaded image does not work
25119 Add HtmlTagName property to Text web controls.
25867 SiblingsRepeater needs a few condition checks
25872 Permissions are lost when copy/pasting pages
25974 AltText is shown as ImageText
25988 Error when trying to open page if there are problems with working copies
26095 Unable to Edit/Create page if database is case sensitive
26436 Add delete confirmation for deleted properties for web-publishing in Control panel
26913 Search in web site texts grid does not search in values
26935 Select multiple web site texts and delete
27497 Add doctype to sitemap-handler
22196 Uploaded image thumbnail does not change immediately
26889 Error message "Required field" should be renamed "Required" only
26929 Change the text "Cancel and delete working copy"
27200 Bad grammar in text string "Field are mandatory"
27411 Rename tabs in edit page

Product Catalog module

16785 Add/Edit variant in variant group: fields are not shown fully and editing is not user-friendly
17086 Not possible for administrator to know id for article group
22328 Error when trying to delete one of alternative values in the field if there are a lot fields in ProductCatalog
22794 Errorhandling when copy/paste products
23146 Better explanation: Price agent files are empty and not re-created after cache re-load
23416 PriceList.Get method throws an exception if price list does not exist - not consistent with other get methods
23803 Edit images on all variants in a variantgroup
24113 URL doesn't convert special-characters like Ø and Æ
24507 Aktiv mapp (vid edit eller efter save) indikeras ej i backoffice-gränssnittet
24510 StockBalanceRepeater is not working inside a UseProduct webcontrol
24511 StockBalanceQuantity webcontrol in product catalog does not format the stock quantity according to settings
24512 StockStatusDescription webcontrol ignores the StockBalanceRepeater to obtain the warehouse
24624 Titles for fields disappear in Product catalog in IE9 in compatibility mode
25413 Address required when importing stock
25833 ProductStatus cache is not always correct
25839 Warehouse address is not deleted when deleting a warehouse
25999 Telerik popups has incorrect style
26007 Search results context menu is not shown in Chrome
26021 Can't edit warehouse if warehouse doesn't have warehouseAddress
26033 Improved caching
26035 Remove not needed logging comments
26069 Import of prices is too slow
26212 Selected product set window shows product sets with empty names if missing the language
26291 PriceAgent-list is blocking the server for all requests
26336 Not standard font in import texts result
26528 BatchEditArticle page doesn't show all columns appropriately in IE
26640 Get pricelists by organization-id or group-id
26726 GetProductIDsByArticleNumber missing db-index
26794 ProductSetRepeater throws exception if productset is used as datasource
26850 Icon for product set
26907 API allows to set two default values as selected in Product Catalog default values
27503 Batch update of prices triggers the wrong events
27759 User gets price even if the pricelist is not applicable for current user
22320 Text on top of the minimize button in ProductCatalog near ajax-search field
26789 Label on article list should be removed "Drag and drop articles to the current product catalog"
27465 Confirmation is missing when deleting article group, product group and product set
27393 ProductGroupRepeater will not use UsePage-control when trying to find a product group id from the property
27530 Webcontrol isn't enabled even if CurrentProduct isn't null

E-commerce module

15098 Add order - add order row, grid column name "Item number" should be "Article number"
22779 PriceCalculator needs to be re-structured and improved
23185 Improvement: Ecommerce controlpanel translations
23274 Unit price is not shown in view payment
24565 Unable to save order with e-mail like
24572 Cannot get delivery method by name from ModuleECommerce.Instance.DeliveryMethods.Get() method
24721 Can't sort campaigns with drag and drop
24899 Delivery method name should be unique
25924 Small design improvement showing prices for delivery and payment methods in the control panel
25925 Strings are not consistent showing prices in delivery and payment methods in the control panel
25981 Wrong text in campaign condition header
25985 Cannot change campaign execution order
26319 ECommerce - Change status on order - StateTransition run is doubled
26757 Clearing shopping cart will automatically reload the previous cart (cart saved for logged in user)
26963 Order cant get 100% discount when setting order row discount in back office
27218 Country is not copied with "same as customer info" for payments when creating an order in back office
24804 Design and usage issues in select article popup for campaigns
26042 Editing of free gift campaign needs workaround to succeed
13017 If you are on the view order page in back office, and select to edit the order, you should return to the view order page when you save or cancel
13018 If you are on the view order row page in backoffice, and select to edit the order row, you should return to the view order row page when you save or cancel
26654 Remove button view order row from edit order page
24395 When user logs out and logs in again, order rows in shopping cart get duplicated
25819 Order date is reset to current when adding order or delivery rows on manual orders

Relations module

23893 Import performance problems when having a lot of persons (88k)
24545 View organization address button not working in Firefox
25429 Inaccurate positioning of organization view panel
25447 Deadlocks in Relations module when high load on the site
26475 Can't add additional information when adding a new person (Step 3)
26706 Unable to import persons to Relations if in csv file first and last name are empty
26766 Unable to import persons to Relations if in csv file first and last name are empty
27614 Adding default values will move the cursor to the wrong field
27772 Upgrade will cause lose of data in relations module if the LongStringValue contains more than 255 characters
13009 New Person guide step 2, first name text box should be selected by default
26987 Design for add/edit addresses for organizations

Media Archive module

23688 Metadata field is not deleted when called from media archive event
24745 Add space before the field name in popup for adding file/image from Media Archive
24864 File removed in the Media Archive is not removed from the Organization to which it is linked
24866 Permissions in Media archive is not set (UI is caching the previous permissions)
25040 Sorting on Last Modified in Media Archive module is broken
25484 Feature Request: Byte-Range Requests and HTTP 206 Partial Content in Media Archive
25957 Links on list page in the Media Archive uses BinaryLoader-links even to use storage-handler
26162 Permissions are not set or cached if using "same permissions for files in folder and sub-folders"
27630 Versions that are resized with storage handler will not be deleted when the original is deleted
25908 Cannot add file to the Media Archive if the visitor doesn't have write permissions
27472 Incorrect text when adding new file version editing an file
27547 External ID is lost on images in the Media Archive after any set-method is executed