Release notes

Release notes for Litium Accelerator

Version 7.8.5

Release date: 2023-12-01


Accelerator Mvc

66533 Litium MVC Accelerator always set editable to true


64888 Cannot edit system fields Critical

Version 7.8.4

Release date: 2023-10-19


Accelerator Mvc

66395 Accelerator deployment is not working if elasitcsearch package isn't installed in solution


66307 Redis Cache is messing with field definitions

Version 7.8.3

Release date: 2023-08-23



64284 CalculateOrderTotals creates VAT amount on order row though VAT percentage is 0
65156 UnitCampaignPrice is not rounded off for campaign price discounts

Version 7.8.2

Release date: 2023-03-07



63533 Incorrect rounding off for price with vat if price list is without vat Critical

Version 7.8.1

Release date: 2023-01-26



62153 Rounding error in PaymentInfo Breaking change
62821 Rounding issue with payment info and values at Klarna
62927 EnumerationValueConverter.cs is not handled for json object that causing NetsEasy error on fetching OrderCarrier file. Critical

Version 7.8.1-pre-2301161610

Release date: 2023-01-16



62927 EnumerationValueConverter.cs is not handled for json object that causing NetsEasy error on fetching OrderCarrier file. Critical

Version 7.8.0

Release date: 2022-12-20



58304 Ability to view selected TextOption, IntOption and DecimalOption options in sorted order
61969 Ability to prevent information disclosure


61967 Ability to restrict allowed file types in file upload Breaking change


62540 Ability to get the next available order number


Accelerator Mvc

59826 Campaign price calculation does not account for current selected organization
62045 Unable to load resource from webpack asset modules

Connect ERP

61036 Streamexecutionservice does not remove old import files
61356 Erp connect import report wrong type for person when it is updated


55842 Admin Web Api - get all media folders returns a 500 error
59434 Using PATCH on numerical field throws InvalidCastException
61732 Webhook registrations is not returning registrations when using external cache Critical
61991 HSTS headers are not sent for BO urls


52134 Import/export of main category does not work for few assortments
61310 Importing a variant with changed base product does not clear old category connections
62259 BaseProductService.GetByTemplate cache is not properly cleared when changing template on base product


61815 Permanent redirects with filename extension and query parameters returns 404
62283 X-Forwarded-Host lookup failed with NRE if hostname not connected to a channel

Version 7.7.9

Release date: 2022-06-09


Connect ERP

60633 Object is read only when creating SRO Critical


60581 Sync of deleted campaign causes unhandled exception that crashes all web applications Critical


60335 Swagger crash when not using attribute-based routing

Version 7.7.8

Release date: 2022-04-21



59989 Logging improvements Breaking change
59993 Redis logging


59390 GoogleShopping categories names truncated
59650 Tier price is not using standard VAT from country if the TaxClass not are used for country


60022 Degraded perfomance in VoucherCodeCondition.Process Critical

Version 7.7.8-pre-2204070940

Release date: 2022-04-07



59989 Logging improvements Breaking change
59993 Redis logging


60022 Degraded perfomance in VoucherCodeCondition.Process Critical

Version 7.7.8-pre-2204042234

Release date: 2022-04-05



59989 Logging improvements Breaking change
59993 Redis logging

Version 7.7.7

Release date: 2022-03-30



59805 Swagger implementation cannot handle versioned API endpoints Critical


59474 Impossible to create display template for products in BO

Version 7.7.6

Release date: 2022-03-17


Accelerator Mvc

59662 Urls generated for product are always to the main category even if product existss in current category


59643 Improve logging between MS.Extensions.Logging and this.Log() to pass exceptions between system Breaking change


59624 Redirects for unpublished baseproducts Critical


59598 Deleting a page that have subpages are allowed

Version 7.7.5

Release date: 2022-03-03



59521 OrderDataProvider does not close db connection Critical

Version 7.7.4

Release date: 2022-01-18



58653 Redirect for products with changed category


58703 Moving a page renders 404 in multiserver environment if coming to another server Critical

Version 7.7.3

Release date: 2021-12-23


Accelerator Mvc

54465 Products without URL are included in the paging and then filtered, causing category pages to show less products than expected
58614 Products that are unpublished from channels are still found in searches
58628 Product page does not show sizes when colors are not set ("Product with variants" template)


58244 Missing index in database decrease performance with operations for AuditSummary
58613 Prerequirement validation script for database version and compatibility level allowing wrong versions of database


58492 Cannot change "Units of measurement" for a product
58540 Cannot update/save tax class for products Critical
58589 Added image is not seen after saving, and is only shown once refreshing the page
58607 JS-error when saving product with date field
58626 Product list synchronizing engine processing lists that not are changed
58627 Product list wait for synchronizing lists until products are changed

Version 7.7.2

Release date: 2021-11-11


Accelerator Mvc

54896 Category SEO text is overriding category name
55262 ApplyProductListSorting is not working. It is the same issue for Elastic search
55887 Using deprecated node-sass that not is compatible with latest node version
55928 Quick search on product list pages only finds products in the product list
56257 Images not available when sharing links online
56526 Product documents with random case article numbers are not deleted
57290 KlarnaPaymentController is potentially vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
57291 Potential Open Redirect vulnerability in KlarnaPaymentController and LoginController
57671 Brand list page is not showing correct counts
57865 Incorrect Swedish translation for City on checkout page

Connect ERP

56091 Partial delivery - free shipping (with campaign)
56130 ERP Connect import has a problem with simultaneous updates
57409 The staffed prices cannot be immported via Litium Erp Connect Critical
58335 Erp import logger


57667 Library for connection to Litium Search is incompatible with new versions


57454 Update iso currency list
57798 Parse X-Forwarded-Host for domain lookup
57817 Logging open and closes the log-files for each log message reducing the log performance
57880 Fields are sometimes empty in response data for Admin Web API variant search


53976 Back office site crashes when editing categories of products with many variants
54655 Internal link in base product discription don't work as intended
55517 Missing English translation on new details link
56547 Auditing table is absurdly slow
56548 Incorrect auditing spam from array fields
56936 Base products with thousands of variants may crash BO
57175 'Back' and 'Export' buttons are badly aligned on Product Details page in BackOffice


56196 Cache issue with ModuleECommerce.Instance.Campaigns.GetAll(true)
56258 CampaignConditionInfoUpdated event is not fired when a voucher code is used.
57725 Wrong voucher code is deleted when removing from condition Critical


56250 Internal links to the same page will break any of those links that has channel

Version 7.7.1

Release date: 2021-06-15



55546 Organization template shows only the first field group and Pricelists group, all others are not shown Critical


55559 Elastic Search - ProductIndexDocumentBuilder crashes if a channel does not have product language set


55780 Redis distributed lock timeouts


55739 Order level discount causes negative tax value with Klarna

Version 7.7.0

Release date: 2021-05-25


Accelerator Mvc

50496 Product view must show recommended products from any category
52978 Can not resolve Error page on Klarna validation when using prefix on channel
53745 Accelerator setup ignoring translations for product field groups
54352 AddressUpdate return to Klarna is not serialized correctly
55229 Login information not included in Welcome mail

Connect ERP

55252 Creating an ImportBatch returns a 202, but API says 200


54854 Organisationer is misspelled as Organizationer for Swedish BO language


53209 Topmenu items in Backoffice are displayed in English.


47432 Long loading time with many variants
52061 Tier prices in exported file are sorted in the wrong order
52166 Export of products shows the wrong count and includes wrong result in the excel file
52513 Publish tab for product does not list variants in the desired order
55094 Translations are missing for the field group name on properties tab for Products and Variants


52407 Order number search unusable with huge number of orders
53273 The text overlaps the search result in Quick search/Sales module
53827 AdditionalDeliveryInfo can not be updated or deleted
54253 Incorrect CurrentUICulture generates exception when getting campaign prices in price agent background task Critical
55106 Delivery gets ExternalReferenceId with order prefix instead of delivery prefix


54157 Sitemap does not set https correctly
54536 Change frequency in sitemap
55121 Asure service bus queue with OnMessageAsync is not processing messages

Version 7.6.3-patch-2104301420

Release date: 2021-04-30


Accelerator Mvc

53745 Accelerator setup ignoring translations for product field groups
54352 AddressUpdate return to Klarna is not serialized correctly


54854 Organisationer is misspelled as Organizationer for Swedish BO language


52166 Export of products shows the wrong count and includes wrong result in the excel file


53827 AdditionalDeliveryInfo can not be updated or deleted


54536 Change frequency in sitemap
55121 Asure service bus queue with OnMessageAsync is not processing messages

Version 7.6.3-patch-2104301247

Release date: 2021-04-30


Accelerator Mvc

53745 Accelerator setup ignoring translations for product field groups
54352 AddressUpdate return to Klarna is not serialized correctly


54854 Organisationer is misspelled as Organizationer for Swedish BO language


52166 Export of products shows the wrong count and includes wrong result in the excel file


54536 Change frequency in sitemap
55121 Asure service bus queue with OnMessageAsync is not processing messages

Version 7.6.3-patch-2103311046

Release date: 2021-03-31

Version 7.6.2

Release date: 2021-03-24


Connect ERP

52976 Litium Connect order incorrect in return json data if there is a discount applied
53027 Incorrect Rounding off was added to Order's payment during RMA process
53949 Litium connect ERP API 2.0 captures klarna payment multiple times for part deliveries Critical
53993 Litium Connect ERP API 2.0 Part delivery shipping rounding issue Critical


52721 Can not create new Elasticsearch index that is not multilingual
54283 If-condition fails and it tries to add a List as a normal string when rebuilding elasticsearch indeces Critical


53304 Category parent hierarchy can loop around to itself
53348 No Options are shown in Backoffice for a Product if more than 100 Options are added to a TextOption
53601 Inventory Admin API missing customdata and nextdeliverydate
53973 Cannot get pricelist after id change


52874 2 Different vats on the same order makes delivery cost a rounding
53171 An error if to add a new additional order key that have not been in the system


52993 Link to a product in Editor field is converted to PageID:{GUID} that results a in redirect link to a startpage
53222 Circular reference on CMS page Critical

Version 7.5.2

Release date: 2021-01-04



52994 Problems adding AdditionalPaymentInfo

Version 7.6.1

Release date: 2021-01-04



52994 Problems adding AdditionalPaymentInfo

Version 7.5.1

Release date: 2020-12-22


Accelerator Mvc

52607 Long running requests blocking when using distributed lock
52710 Website strings for the error messages are built for every request
52715 The validation rule ProductPricesHasNotChanged are fetching the language for each variant
52717 Elasticsearch index is listening on InventoryItem events, inventory item is not indexed
52718 MailService cant connect to mailserver on non-standard smtp-port
52720 Elasticsearch are listening on the PriceListItem events and fetching the variant to get the base product system id

Connect ERP

52711 Erp connect OrderConfirmed event are always populated with data even if no listener exists


52884 If using dynamic product list engine or workflow engine version 2 the registration for service bus is not needed


52600 High throughput in placing orders creating latency
52677 Event system blocking order creation under high load
52706 Missing DB index on Sales.Rma.SalesOrderSystemId cause database load
52729 Delivery method events problems


52544 Unpublishing a CMS page does not update all servers in web farm Critical

Version 7.6.0

Release date: 2020-12-22


Accelerator Mvc

48454 Navigation history does not work properly for Landing Pages
48730 User sees "Welcome email" and "Order Confirmation" if the user clicks on the "terms" link"
48731 System pages are visible in the search
48739 Reorder message is not visible
48960 Use WebsiteModel.GetValue instead of WebsiteModel.Fields.GetValue
49356 In L7, almost nothing is visible in preview area for multilanguage editor fields
49819 Support adding websites text in Search suggestion dropdown in public site
49926 SetSelectedPages removed from NavigationViewModelBuilder
50004 Elasticsearch should not return any result when executing only aggregations
50192 Missing style for selected breadcrumb menu on the public site
50428 Editor in MegaMenu not multi language
50755 Brand page does not show products when a brand has different values in translations and channel has different languages
50763 Elasticsearch stores option value instead of translation in IndexDocument (Tags and Content)
50792 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search and search does not search category when Channel has different languages
50822 Brand list page must use "Language for pages and blocks" setting when showing brands.
50853 Quick Search does not search pages if channel has different languages
50861 Quicksearch shows brand id for products instead of translation
51158 Try to apply distributed lock when updating delivery during partial payment flow

Connect ERP

50636 Litium Connect - The delivery is set to shipped even if payment capture was failed


52290 English IsoCountry names are not being picked up by backoffice


49469 Duplicate Used by link in media file if it is used in Websites > Pages and publish this page
49941 Display DraftBlock and Published Block in UsedBy tab
49973 "Media" link is selected in the top if user comes to "Customers" from "UsedBy" tab in Media"
50078 MediaServiceImpl.GetMediaPointerReferenceItems method returns wrong references if page has two local blocks
50287 Incorrect loading position at Media detail properties tab
50533 Webp is not recognized as image file


49372 Can not use filter in variants & product selector dialog
49630 Products are not properly calculated in workflow tasks
49785 PriceCalculator can include price lists for other countries than specified
49792 Get error message when opening PriceList with deleted website
50165 Workflows > Task: Number of tasks in the topbar is not updated simultaneously if using condition filter is Article number
50193 Incorrect image ratio in Products > Images tab
50635 Creating a simple list from search results adds incorrect products
50688 Scrolling list stuck in small loop when moving product upwards
50852 Forbid altering of RelationType Direction after creation
52031 Remove unused condition column.IsVat from the excel import
52453 Invalid urls in ProductAdditionalImageUrls in product feed when using CDN


49726 Block template: Missing block icon field name
49790 When deleting a block field you need to reload "block fields" page to see the change
50196 LocalBlock data exist in db even localBlock was deleted, сonsequently "UsedBy" tab shows wrong data
50213 Inconsistent handling of case for website text id
50605 Channels tab: Always showing the vertical scrollbar even there is 1 or 2 channels in the list
50618 The resource key is displayed instead of correct text in some places
51010 Many scrollbars in media selector dialog image when edit block in page editing
51040 Error exception on BO if page name of brand detail page is null
51088 Validation will not throw error on all fields
51971 Missing the filter condition in block list if user go back from block detail to the filtered list

Version 7.5.1-patch-2012141332

Release date: 2020-12-14


Accelerator Mvc

52607 Long running requests blocking when using distributed lock
52710 Website strings for the error messages are built for every request
52715 The validation rule ProductPricesHasNotChanged are fetching the language for each variant
52717 Elasticsearch index is listening on InventoryItem events, inventory item is not indexed
52718 MailService cant connect to mailserver on non-standard smtp-port
52720 Elasticsearch are listening on the PriceListItem events and fetching the variant to get the base product system id

Connect ERP

52711 Erp connect OrderConfirmed event are always populated with data even if no listener exists


52884 If using dynamic product list engine or workflow engine version 2 the registration for service bus is not needed


52600 High throughput in placing orders creating latency
52677 Event system blocking order creation under high load
52706 Missing DB index on Sales.Rma.SalesOrderSystemId cause database load
52729 Delivery method events problems


52544 Unpublishing a CMS page does not update all servers in web farm Critical

Version 7.5.1-patch-2012071245

Release date: 2020-12-07


Accelerator Mvc

52607 Long running requests blocking when using distributed lock
52710 Website strings for the error messages are built for every request
52715 The validation rule ProductPricesHasNotChanged are fetching the language for each variant
52717 Elasticsearch index is listening on InventoryItem events, inventory item is not indexed
52718 MailService cant connect to mailserver on non-standard smtp-port
52720 Elasticsearch are listening on the PriceListItem events and fetching the variant to get the base product system id

Connect ERP

52711 Erp connect OrderConfirmed event are always populated with data even if no listener exists


52600 High throughput in placing orders creating latency
52677 Event system blocking order creation under high load
52706 Missing DB index on Sales.Rma.SalesOrderSystemId cause database load
52729 Delivery method events problems


52544 Unpublishing a CMS page does not update all servers in web farm Critical

Version 7.5.1-patch-2011240957

Release date: 2020-11-24



52600 High throughput in placing orders creating latency


52544 Unpublishing a CMS page does not update all servers in web farm Critical

Version 7.5.1-patch-2011201503

Release date: 2020-11-20



52600 High throughput in placing orders creating latency


52544 Unpublishing a CMS page does not update all servers in web farm Critical

Version 7.5.1-patch-2011191455

Release date: 2020-11-19



52544 Unpublishing a CMS page does not update all servers in web farm Critical

Version 7.5.0

Release date: 2020-11-11


Accelerator Mvc

48681 Misspelled constant accelerator
48729 Missed translattion "checkout.customerinfo.showAlternativeAddress" on the checkout page
49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
49897 In some product filters in the accelerator you always get the first variant as a filter result regardless of which filter you activated
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50146 Categories without needed permissions are shown in search result due to incorrect work of FilterAggregator
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules
52037 Elasticsearch only returns 10 facets
52208 Introductions are not shown for News Pages, if the News List does not have a value for Introduction
52241 Popular sorting are adding products without results in top
52302 Most sold products are not persisted during application restarts for search index Critical
52313 Campaign prices are not persisted during application restarts for search index Critical

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product
52152 Changing index settings for elasticsearch will remove the synonym filter
52201 Elasticsearch index queue not processing all items
52371 ES indexing queue stuck when the same item will be indexed multiple times


50024 Redis Cache hangs application Critical
51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical
52094 UserManager.GetLogins does not find logins in DB Critical
52335 NRE when calling UserManager.AddLoginAsync() Critical
52395 Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.x64.dll can not be deleted Breaking change


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow
51984 MediaLocationService is registered as a transient service but should be a singelton
52230 GetUrlToImage crop to exact dimensions is not working in some cases Critical


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text
51872 Product import is very slow when adding products to category Critical
51879 Cannot get the file when exporting a larger number of products with category field in the export
52015 Not possible to remove prices by excel import
52065 Products import does not remove Categories
52082 Products import works incorrectly with Main category
52151 PriceListItemProcessor fetching full price list to be able to verify permission
52164 No file and no error when exporting a product with a category that has a value with more than 32767 characters
52176 Smart product List update problem
52199 Sometimes there is no file for the products export


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical
51999 Sales view is not loading, and error message is displayed if there are many orders with additional order info Critical
52421 Deleting orders are slow
53530 OrganizationAddress.CustomData is cleared in Backoffice


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2011050843

Release date: 2020-11-05


Accelerator Mvc

48681 Misspelled constant accelerator
48729 Missed translattion "checkout.customerinfo.showAlternativeAddress" on the checkout page
49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
49897 In some product filters in the accelerator you always get the first variant as a filter result regardless of which filter you activated
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50146 Categories without needed permissions are shown in search result due to incorrect work of FilterAggregator
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules
52037 Elasticsearch only returns 10 facets
52208 Introductions are not shown for News Pages, if the News List does not have a value for Introduction
52241 Popular sorting are adding products without results in top
52302 Most sold products are not persisted during application restarts for search index Critical
52313 Campaign prices are not persisted during application restarts for search index Critical

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product
52152 Changing index settings for elasticsearch will remove the synonym filter
52201 Elasticsearch index queue not processing all items
52371 ES indexing queue stuck when the same item will be indexed multiple times


50024 Redis Cache hangs application Critical
51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical
52094 UserManager.GetLogins does not find logins in DB Critical
52335 NRE when calling UserManager.AddLoginAsync() Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow
51984 MediaLocationService is registered as a transient service but should be a singelton
52230 GetUrlToImage crop to exact dimensions is not working in some cases Critical


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text
51872 Product import is very slow when adding products to category Critical
51879 Cannot get the file when exporting a larger number of products with category field in the export
52015 Not possible to remove prices by excel import
52065 Products import does not remove Categories
52082 Products import works incorrectly with Main category
52151 PriceListItemProcessor fetching full price list to be able to verify permission
52164 No file and no error when exporting a product with a category that has a value with more than 32767 characters
52176 Smart product List update problem
52199 Sometimes there is no file for the products export


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical
51999 Sales view is not loading, and error message is displayed if there are many orders with additional order info Critical


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2010272019

Release date: 2020-10-27


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
49897 In some product filters in the accelerator you always get the first variant as a filter result regardless of which filter you activated
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50146 Categories without needed permissions are shown in search result due to incorrect work of FilterAggregator
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules
52037 Elasticsearch only returns 10 facets
52208 Introductions are not shown for News Pages, if the News List does not have a value for Introduction
52241 Popular sorting are adding products without results in top

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product
52152 Changing index settings for elasticsearch will remove the synonym filter
52201 Elasticsearch index queue not processing all items


50024 Redis Cache hangs application Critical
51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical
52094 UserManager.GetLogins does not find logins in DB Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow
51984 MediaLocationService is registered as a transient service but should be a singelton
52230 GetUrlToImage crop to exact dimensions is not working in some cases Critical


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text
51872 Product import is very slow when adding products to category Critical
51879 Cannot get the file when exporting a larger number of products with category field in the export
52015 Not possible to remove prices by excel import
52065 Products import does not remove Categories
52082 Products import works incorrectly with Main category
52151 PriceListItemProcessor fetching full price list to be able to verify permission
52164 No file and no error when exporting a product with a category that has a value with more than 32767 characters
52176 Smart product List update problem
52199 Sometimes there is no file for the products export


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical
51999 Sales view is not loading, and error message is displayed if there are many orders with additional order info Critical


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2010251938

Release date: 2020-10-25


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product
52152 Changing index settings for elasticsearch will remove the synonym filter
52201 Elasticsearch index queue not processing all items


50024 Redis Cache hangs application Critical
51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical
52094 UserManager.GetLogins does not find logins in DB Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow
51984 MediaLocationService is registered as a transient service but should be a singelton
52230 GetUrlToImage crop to exact dimensions is not working in some cases Critical


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text
51872 Product import is very slow when adding products to category Critical
51879 Cannot get the file when exporting a larger number of products with category field in the export
52015 Not possible to remove prices by excel import
52065 Products import does not remove Categories
52082 Products import works incorrectly with Main category
52151 PriceListItemProcessor fetching full price list to be able to verify permission
52164 No file and no error when exporting a product with a category that has a value with more than 32767 characters
52176 Smart product List update problem
52199 Sometimes there is no file for the products export


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical
51999 Sales view is not loading, and error message is displayed if there are many orders with additional order info Critical


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2010211421

Release date: 2020-10-21


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product
52152 Changing index settings for elasticsearch will remove the synonym filter
52201 Elasticsearch index queue not processing all items


50024 Redis Cache hangs application Critical
51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical
52094 UserManager.GetLogins does not find logins in DB Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow
51984 MediaLocationService is registered as a transient service but should be a singelton


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text
51872 Product import is very slow when adding products to category Critical
51879 Cannot get the file when exporting a larger number of products with category field in the export
52015 Not possible to remove prices by excel import
52065 Products import does not remove Categories
52082 Products import works incorrectly with Main category
52151 PriceListItemProcessor fetching full price list to be able to verify permission
52164 No file and no error when exporting a product with a category that has a value with more than 32767 characters
52176 Smart product List update problem


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical
51999 Sales view is not loading, and error message is displayed if there are many orders with additional order info Critical


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2010121237

Release date: 2020-10-12


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product


51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow
51984 MediaLocationService is registered as a transient service but should be a singelton


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text
51879 Cannot get the file when exporting a larger number of products with category field in the export
52015 Not possible to remove prices by excel import


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical
51999 Sales view is not loading, and error message is displayed if there are many orders with additional order info Critical


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2010060022

Release date: 2020-10-06


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product


51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow
51984 MediaLocationService is registered as a transient service but should be a singelton


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2010061008

Release date: 2020-10-06


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product


51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow
51984 MediaLocationService is registered as a transient service but should be a singelton


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2010051250

Release date: 2020-10-05


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51301 ElasticSearch cannot search for product ID
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing
51888 Font folder include limitation exludes all fonts in node_modules

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product


51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)
51964 Fetch image information to create URL is slow


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51637 Czech and slovak characters are replaced in campaign name Critical
51808 PaymentInfoRowDataProvider should use AddUnicodeStringParameter
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup
51930 ChannelId is not indexed for Orders Critical


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2009301242

Release date: 2020-09-30


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51561 Error when clicking on address list view in Address tab (trying to sort addresses)
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured
51787 Category is crashing If product has no name and url in current language for product


51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical


51830 Get an error (500) when try deleting Market that is used in channel
51861 Empty grey box for empty assortment field when editing market


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
48644 TextOption alternatives are sent once for each variant, generating a lot of data
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51517 Poor performance in properties tab on product page in Litium back office when having a lot of textoption alternatives and many variants Critical
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51684 Backoffice timeouts when searching and filtering in BO with many products
51721 Products export is completed but the UI for export is still in progress if to export many products
51737 Price imports are slow
51762 When deleting a category, the notification message displays the resource key instead of the text


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler
51916 CampaignHandler loading all campaigns and not only active during startup


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2009172214

Release date: 2020-09-17


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing

Connect ERP

51364 NullReferenceException when fetching order due to incorrect UI culture


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured


51686 Sitemap generation timeout Critical


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping
51554 List of products is not reset back, when discard during move to another tab
51641 Exporting a large number of products results in SQL Timeout Critical
51737 Price imports are slow


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2009141009

Release date: 2020-09-14


Accelerator Mvc

49741 Accelerator is missing default settings for PIM permissions
49818 UL-lists in editors does not display bullets on public site
49877 Showing of product when filtering is not working correctly for productbase url on elastic search environment
50001 Elasticsearch should not return all source fields in the result
50481 Subnavigation bug: CurrentCulture name instead of CurrentUICulture
50814 Elasticsearch-> Quick Search shows result for a brand in two sections "Pages" and "Brands""
51026 Bracket in Setting>Accelerator tree item
51277 On elastic search environment it does not search product by its brand
51360 Error when decorating TargetGroupEngine
51445 Accelerator is not sorting on user accessible price lists when price filter is missing


49697 Target group condition product from category in cart does not work
49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical
51577 Fetching organization also fetches persons and roles but they are discarded


50007 Hide "Synonym" settings page if synonyms not is configured
50010 Improve SearchExtensions.SynonymAnalyzer to only add the analyzer if synonyms are configured


49599 GetUrlToImage crop not longer working
49791 Can not remove "_fileExtensions" field get the "The request is invalid." message
49863 I get an error when I open folders in media, after that some fields were removed
50065 Fields were not deleted from media field templates when remove all media fieds
50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical
50304 It is allowed to move image with the same name into another folder
50422 Get NullReferenceException when delete or update file when File.BlobUri is null
50807 Delete-validation-error for file not showing when triggered by folder delete
51352 ImageMagick not supporting icons (.ico)


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
49782 Incorrect VAT from PriceCalculator with different countries
49817 Option field-single select: Cannot select the zero (0) value
49900 Image urls in price agent feeds lack protocol
49964 Export failed products doesn't work
50045 Hard-coded spelling mistake in Google shopping feed
50049 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
50054 Add variant: the variant should not be added until the pending changes are persisted
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50133 Can not use most of the functions on Products module where image is present with fields that were removed
50148 It should be possible to save google shopping page without data in "Google Product Category" field. Since it is an optional field.
50189 Cannot edit base product or other variants if user go to variant detail from variants list and then delete itself
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50401 Cannot display product detail information and get the an error if delete language used for editing
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api
51006 Use vertical scrollbar instead of horizontal in multi-text row( ex: description field in Products module, introduction in page, tasks, ...)
51015 Grey box for fields with no values in Google shopping


49758 Wrong date format when using Finnish as language in campaign tool in Litium 7.2.3
50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release
51024 Updating an order with address, causes exception in event handler


49706 Global blocks>Channels tab: Showing pending changes notification even when there are no changes
50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50173 Website text import sensitive to order of columns
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50391 Font awesome icon in block template disappears after saving
50394 Hide "Remove" button for block category dropdown because it is not needed to remove
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50522 Unpublish the block, the block status does not update on the block detail screen
50575 Firefox: horizontal scroll bar at Block detail - Channels tab
50586 Moving a page with subpages to another website does not work correctly
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active
51150 Error exception if the user previews the Order-page in Websites module
51232 Subpages in trashcan are restored for the duplicate page
51278 Sitemap Priority property character changed
51303 SiteMapScheduler crashes due to duplicate keys Critical
51576 PageByFieldTemplateCache cause database timeouts if a lot of pages exists

Version 7.4.3-patch-2007111155

Release date: 2020-07-11



49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical


50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
50131 Error while exporting products with deleted images Critical
50277 Slower price import in 7.4.2
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical
50623 Product import for large files changes upload url Critical
50709 Two transactions while updating products Breaking change, critical
50806 Cannot create and update price lists via Admin Web Api
50813 Cannot update inventory via Admin Web Api


50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign
50570 Exception "The process cannot access the file" when doing release


50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit
50641 Error exception if import a large file in websites text & permanent redirects
50677 Unable to generate thumbnail if the website has invalid HTTPS cert
50689 Error when adding internal link in CK-editor
50782 Cannot get internal link url in ckEditor if user is in non-contextual mode and the page is not active

Version 7.4.3-patch-2006191531

Release date: 2020-06-19



49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical
50276 Persons view is timing out with large amount of customers Critical


50299 Files view is timing out in BO if there are many Critical


43647 Long wait when searching for article numbers in backoffice
49343 Excel import is not working with many pricelists
49684 Can not add new option at import
50376 CPU 100% when importing products
50398 Error makes the application to hang for some minutes when importing an excelfile with products
50400 Simple product list saves only 100 items Critical


50182 Saving campaign without condition crashes campaign


50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical
50285 Loading issue if user edits the block (properties tab) in the page
50432 Some issues when edit block on page editing
50479 Edit block in page editing, there is another dialog displayed below the dialog for block edit

Version 7.1.1

Release date: 2020-05-15



49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical

Version 7.2.5

Release date: 2020-05-15



49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical

Version 7.3.4

Release date: 2020-05-15



49971 Backoffice loading issue when editing/viewing an organization with many addresses Critical

Version 7.4.3-patch-2005121020

Release date: 2020-05-12



50172 SiteMap error on products in multiple categories Critical

Version 7.4.2

Release date: 2020-04-06



49704 Resizing images is not working with Access Denied error message.


50751 Sitemap shows unpublished pages
50960 Culture specific translations are not shown in website texts overview

Version 7.4.1

Release date: 2020-04-01


Accelerator Mvc

48406 Deleting a product field will not remove it as a website filter and prevents new filters
48754 It is possible to set negative count of products on the checkout page
48876 News list page: The left menu displays unpublished pages
48977 Error exception if the user installs new accelerator package without sample data
49001 Price filtering not working in Elasticsearch
49036 News page renders news items in different orders in left menu and in list
49119 SubNavigationViewModelBuilder is not working to show news link, when elasticsearch is configured to only search engine
49120 BrandListViewModelBuilder is not working to show brand nodes. It should be fetched when elasticsearch is configured to only search engine
49169 Switching to another language for view of editor field, is causing it to be smaller and smaller

Connect ERP

48620 No delivery fee is captured with a partial shippment but a delivery fee is refunded if the partial shipment articles are returned
48622 The original order has delivery method Standard Package, partial shippment is done via Express but the partial delivery is created with Standard Package in Litium
48626 It is possible to approve an RMA when it has PackeageReceived or Init status. Then no SRO is creatded.
48630 It is possible to refund money before confirming the sales return order
48631 There is no check between order and delivery ref id when delivered notification is sent for a partial shipment
48780 OrderConfirmed Webhook wrong customer number for the B2B user
49104 If I enter wrong, not existing data for articlenumber it creates an empty partial payment and delivery
49410 A partial shipment is created even if the amount of product items is bigger than in remaining from original order


49411 Loading of groups time outs from time to time
49470 Persons amount shows zero for smart groups in a Groups list
49576 Upgrade script does not cover upgrade with empty display name of users
49583 Large dynamic customer group throws database exception
49592 Dynamic customer group is not emptied when all the filters are removed


49022 NullReferenceException when updating synonyms with the synonym host configured
49534 Elasticsearch connection pool type is not configurable


49129 Litium.Data.DataException when editing country that had values for deleted tax class


48986 Product fields: Missing "used by"-information if the field was used in category template
49081 IntOption with value 0 (zero) is not displayed correctly in Products
49154 Deleted options are rendered as empty boxes on edit product/variant
49189 Can not use some filters in variant picker when editing product
49302 Change "Sökmotoranpassad rubrik" to "Sökmotoranpassad titel" for Products module field
49446 Dynamic product engine is not able to remove the base product link
49523 EntitySelectorWrapper selecting Products throws error in console
49589 Dynamic product list is not emptied when all filters are removed
49689 Product URL field auto suggestion - urlFieldid should use changedCuture


48764 Payment/Delivery status are missed on the order detail page in BO
49163 Incorrect rounding off when multiple VAT exists Critical
49198 Admin web api order skip is not working correctly
49648 Admin web api campaign skip is not working correctly
57270 Pagination not working when searching for orders using Admin Web API


48752 Page from "Trashcan" is visible on the public site
48781 Restored page from Trashcan has "draft" status. But the page is visible on the public site
49225 Inconsistent texts for websites in swedish under Settings
49566 Upgrade script for pages does not handle pages with status NOT_PUBLISHED_READY_TO_PUBLISH (3)

Version 7.3.3

Release date: 2020-04-01

Version 7.4.1-patch-2003240915

Release date: 2020-03-24



49446 Dynamic product engine is not able to remove the base product link


48752 Page from "Trashcan" is visible on the public site

Version 7.3.3-patch-2003240949

Release date: 2020-03-24

Version 7.4.1-patch-2003241942

Release date: 2020-03-24



49446 Dynamic product engine is not able to remove the base product link


48752 Page from "Trashcan" is visible on the public site

Version 7.3.3-patch-2003180843

Release date: 2020-03-18

Version 7.4.1-patch-2003181444

Release date: 2020-03-18



49446 Dynamic product engine is not able to remove the base product link


48752 Page from "Trashcan" is visible on the public site

Version 7.4.1-patch-2003162105

Release date: 2020-03-16

Version 7.4.0

Release date: 2020-01-29



45434 Improve dashboard Breaking change


Accelerator Mvc

44298 When something in cartview break it is not possible to access the website. Critical
45573 Get the "ArgumentNullException" error when calling GetMostSoldProducts method, productGroupIds parameter can not be null in the ProductServiceImpl.GetMostSoldProducts
45578 Products images does not have the same sizes on the public site, layout
46019 In Litium 7 - website - Megamenu - Colum header - not Multi language
47893 Accelerator selected organization does not work after first placed order
47936 Acclerator does not filter categories, that are not published in the channel, in search
47981 Accelerator should use the country that is set on the cart
48005 Merchant cant approve an order for a B2B customer
48019 PaymentWidgetService using Klarna-specifick lock
48346 The total price does not update when changing delivery method
48635 Search pages return 0 results if there is an unknown query parameter
49299 The title for products in accelerator is not using the SEO title field


45810 Hard to add widget next to an existing expanded widget


47645 Svalbard and Åland as countries


47813 Incorrect negative currency display


43687 Gifs is not animating with Guid
45428 Media: Used by tab does not work if using Pointer field type


45072 Default sorting of import history
45283 Can't add a product to the cart when I have added visitor rights to the price list Breaking change
45600 CategoryExtensions that has GetUrl methods have redundant "websiteSystemId" parameter
46015 No file and no error when exporting a product with text or editor field that has a value with more than 32767 symbols
46100 Comma in field name fails in product import.
47566 Prevent crash UI in case product fields contain some invalid unicode
47593 When canceling export for Products it has to go to previously used screen, not Imports history
47818 Main category is set only to first one, and not to others, if adding from Category level
48066 Search phrase should be persisted for product lists after you edit it and then click back
48609 Trying to export products when filtering on inventory using "greater than 0" causes error
49474 Category doesn't appear in excel export


43721 PaymentInfoRowFactory throws NullReferenceException when CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture is not setup as a Litium language Critical


45125 Blocks are rendered empty in the blocks editor
45575 DraftPage type is missed in the PageAuthorizationOperationHelper
45606 PointerPageItemToLinkModelConverter - if a page does not have a link to the current channel then validator does not work correct
45682 UI issues in Block editing panel
47360 Website texts export is unordered
47400 Page name should not be hyperlink in Global / Used by tab if page was moved to trash

Version 7.3.2

Release date: 2020-01-10



48434 Server error when visiting Campaigns if a campaign doesn't have a campain page set Critical

Version 7.3.1

Release date: 2019-12-18


Accelerator Mvc

47998 Sass-loader will not build with node versions higher than 10
48007 After signing up, logged in user cannot place the next order, due to alternative address validation


47776 IE11: Cannot edit task in PIM>Workflow


47834 Toolbar options are not reflected to the entity status changes in Grid
47970 Missing db indexes on paymentinfo and campaigns
48033 The original campaign is updated if a copy is edited, if 'InProc' is used for SessionState in webconfig


47792 Sitemap error

Version 7.3.1-patch-1911150957

Release date: 2019-11-15



47776 IE11: Cannot edit task in PIM>Workflow

Version 7.3.0

Release date: 2019-11-06


Accelerator Mvc

45968 Count for filter items, they should not be visible for "News"
46022 The cart doesn't update on PreOrderValidationException from ProductPricesHasNotChanged rule
46062 Unpublished category is rendered in mega menu
46166 PageSearchServiceImpl uses CurrentCulture to get the name of the pages.
46310 No link to navigate to product (sub) category on mobile
46344 CheckoutState, OrderUtilities and PersonStorage should not be static classes
46346 Use IMemeoryCache instead of RuntimeCache
46347 Use nameof() instead of magic strings for controller setup
46349 ProductFieldViewModel have references to legacy PIM that not is used
46395 Error on public site product pages, if the user deletes the country that was selected.
46491 The quantity of products has not been updated if it has not enough for order
46776 Klarna Checkout v3 throws NRE exception during checkout
46780 MailServiceImpl.SendMail does not log full exception
46786 Faceted Filter is not working with special characters
46814 Public site: Number of products in Brand pages is incorrect if products are published in another channel
46823 Wrong price is shown on checkout if there are two pricelists, and for one of them there is Visitor group setting
46824 Sub pages who are not active for the channel is still visible in the left menu
46929 Missing headlines for addresses in checkout
46932 Accelerator deploys with set ChannelSystemId for PointerPageItem-settings on Website
47083 Broken cache propagation in Accelerator CategoryFilterService
47244 BrandList page is listing brand pages that are not active on the channel
47773 Accelerator definition setup crash application start if field in field definition code is create manually in litium


46839 Unable to see remove icons in Manage addresses dialog, due to horizontal scrollbar


46816 ChannelService.Get throws exception if the chanel id is with wrong case.


46025 Used by - does not work for files Pointer in Product Area
46390 Media: File name getts cut after upload if it is too long


45772 It is only possible to delete 100 products at a time
45889 Error when trying to delete products that are in relation
45956 The thumbnails are not working in product search result and they are wrongly aligned
45964 The column width for image is not respected in products search result card view
45965 JS-exception on product, edit page if there is a pointer field with value to a deleted category
45995 Decimal fields don't accept comma as decimal separator
46109 It takes a long time to see the product lists in BO
46116 Base product without any published variants should not be included in sitemap
46169 When adding products to a category, its not reflected on the screen
46252 Cannot delete product list after adding products to it
46318 Setting CustomData on PriceList throws exception when calling PriceList.MakeWritableClone
46352 Stock message service implementation should be moved into a new domain model
46377 Product TextField Euler problem
46426 Filtering products in the back-office on price is broken.
46434 Cannot delete a product field if it contains a value
46444 Variant URL auto-generation when variant has no URL in field template
46538 Deselected variants gets selected again when changing order in the category
46559 "Save as product list" only takes 100 products
46579 Cannot delete product list if it contains products
46659 Incorrect CurrentUICulture generates exception when getting campaign prices for price agents
46681 Language selection ignored when switching between base product and variant properties
46683 Not a nice error when trying to save the wrong values for decimal and integer fields
46720 MessageLockLostException
46722 Importing product data with misformed culture info makes the data hidden in the Properties tab
46732 feature-request | Sort order on price lists
46740 Style options for editor on product pages are not changable
46794 BackOffice doesn't save data to field when the ID contains an & sign
46798 Prisjakt price agent feed is not using the setting "Include stock balance in the price agent feed for Prisjakt."
46799 StockStatusCalculator ignores the calculatorArgs.InventorySystemIds parameter during inventory calculations
46841 Product name is missing from baseproduct/variant selection dropdown
46845 Non-connected inventories is used to calculate stock status
46881 Product list related information shows empty rows on History tab for Products
46906 Price list delete event is not trigged.
47120 Price including VAT Lucene tag not set correctly if base product has no tax class link
47253 History tab shows blank rows for update publish information on category
47441 Smart product lists with more than 100 categories in filter condition is showing an empty info popup
47447 Console error when sorting products in static/simple list
47581 Nothing happens when exporting from card view using a product without image
47785 Timeout or long loading time on plan/history tab on product


44362 It takes to long time to change the order of the campaigns if there are many.
44581 Activate, deactivate and archive campaigns is to slow if there are many campaigns
44707 The Rounding off is not working properly
45842 Incorrect UnitCostWithoutVAT in the PaymentInfo rows in some cases with VAT percentage and unit price with many digitals after the separator Critical
45844 Rounding off problem for payments in some cases, for quantity 1 and price combination
46064 A negative total tax amount is sent in some cases of price combination and different tax rates
46073 Forms that are posted to the payment provider will not encode the values correctly Critical
46340 The change order of campaigns takes to long time if there are many - 7.3
46341 Activate, deactivate and archive campaigns is slow if there are many campaigns - 7.3
46486 Cannot set description on custom campaign action
46652 Timeout error when creating a new campaign Critical
46792 Orders grid crashes if the user adds custom columns with spaces in the column name
46899 Order row calculation missmatch in some cases
47576 Default order type in migration should be SalesOrder instead of None
47594 OrderType for new orders is None instead of the expected SalesOrder


45613 Redirect when using url-prefix does not work
45636 Page -> Channel tab -> The user has to click 2 times to select the date
46030 Redirect - does not work with query string
46063 If to reopen popup with link to internal page, the changes are lost and no data is saved for the ck-editor field
46092 Naming for the select product list popup in websites
46175 The websites tree cannot be updated if the user creates or deletes a website in a system setting without reloading
46197 If in ck-editor field to add only link to a page, then the saving of a page is not activated
46702 The page duplication fails if the page has blocks without preview
46747 Filter blocks by channel does not work
46779 Generating links to pages with other template than current page, will fail with different action-name is passed in.
46796 It is not possible to delete global blocks that are used in any pages
46808 Empty sitemap and robots when using url prefix
46817 Upgrade script is setting the prefix "" (empty string) of the channels domain url. Critical
46822 Database upgrade creates templates with identical id
46834 Console error if to open draft page that points out to deleted product list
46838 When the page is removed local blocks are not deleted from the db
46927 Emptying the URL field on a page, products and categories doesn't release the URL to be used for other entities
47331 Global blocks are visible even if it is not active in a channel
47335 Got console error when editing page that was not active in any channel
47398 Hyperlink in Global block/ Used by tab is incorrect

Version 7.2.4

Release date: 2019-10-07



47251 Removing a field from customers will remove conditions for dynamic groups Critical


46169 When adding products to a category, its not reflected on the screen
47245 Removing a field from products will remove conditions for dynamic product list and workflows Critical


46073 Forms that are posted to the payment provider will not encode the values correctly Critical

Version 7.3.0-patch-1909240835

Release date: 2019-09-24


Accelerator Mvc

45968 Count for filter items, they should not be visible for "News"
46022 The cart doesn't update on PreOrderValidationException from ProductPricesHasNotChanged rule
46062 Unpublished category is rendered in mega menu
46166 PageSearchServiceImpl uses CurrentCulture to get the name of the pages.
46310 No link to navigate to product (sub) category on mobile
46344 CheckoutState, OrderUtilities and PersonStorage should not be static classes
46346 Use IMemeoryCache instead of RuntimeCache
46347 Use nameof() instead of magic strings for controller setup
46349 ProductFieldViewModel have references to legacy PIM that not is used
46395 Error on public site product pages, if the user deletes the country that was selected.
46491 The quantity of products has not been updated if it has not enough for order
46776 Klarna Checkout v3 throws NRE exception during checkout
46780 MailServiceImpl.SendMail does not log full exception
46786 Faceted Filter is not working with special characters
46814 Public site: Number of products in Brand pages is incorrect if products are published in another channel
46823 Wrong price is shown on checkout if there are two pricelists, and for one of them there is Visitor group setting
46824 Sub pages who are not active for the channel is still visible in the left menu


46839 Unable to see remove icons in Manage addresses dialog, due to horizontal scrollbar


46816 ChannelService.Get throws exception if the chanel id is with wrong case.


46025 Used by - does not work for files Pointer in Product Area
46390 Media: File name getts cut after upload if it is too long


45772 It is only possible to delete 100 products at a time
45889 Error when trying to delete products that are in relation
45956 The thumbnails are not working in product search result and they are wrongly aligned
45964 The column width for image is not respected in products search result card view
45965 JS-exception on product, edit page if there is a pointer field with value to a deleted category
45995 Decimal fields don't accept comma as decimal separator
46109 It takes a long time to see the product lists in BO
46116 Base product without any published variants should not be included in sitemap
46169 When adding products to a category, its not reflected on the screen
46252 Cannot delete product list after adding products to it
46318 Setting CustomData on PriceList throws exception when calling PriceList.MakeWritableClone
46352 Stock message service implementation should be moved into a new domain model
46377 Product TextField Euler problem
46426 Filtering products in the back-office on price is broken.
46434 Cannot delete a product field if it contains a value
46444 Variant URL auto-generation when variant has no URL in field template
46559 "Save as product list" only takes 100 products
46579 Cannot delete product list if it contains products
46659 Incorrect CurrentUICulture generates exception when getting campaign prices for price agents
46683 Not a nice error when trying to save the wrong values for decimal and integer fields
46722 Importing product data with misformed culture info makes the data hidden in the Properties tab
46732 feature-request | Sort order on price lists
46740 Style options for editor on product pages are not changable
46794 BackOffice doesn't save data to field when the ID contains an & sign
46798 Prisjakt price agent feed is not using the setting "Include stock balance in the price agent feed for Prisjakt."
46799 StockStatusCalculator ignores the calculatorArgs.InventorySystemIds parameter during inventory calculations
46841 Product name is missing from baseproduct/variant selection dropdown
46845 Non-connected inventories is used to calculate stock status
46881 Product list related information shows empty rows on History tab for Products
46906 Price list delete event is not trigged.


44362 It takes to long time to change the order of the campaigns if there are many.
44581 Activate, deactivate and archive campaigns is to slow if there are many campaigns
44707 The Rounding off is not working properly
45842 Incorrect UnitCostWithoutVAT in the PaymentInfo rows in some cases with VAT percentage and unit price with many digitals after the separator Critical
45844 Rounding off problem for payments in some cases, for quantity 1 and price combination
46064 A negative total tax amount is sent in some cases of price combination and different tax rates
46073 Forms that are posted to the payment provider will not encode the values correctly Critical
46340 The change order of campaigns takes to long time if there are many - 7.3
46341 Activate, deactivate and archive campaigns is slow if there are many campaigns - 7.3
46486 Cannot set description on custom campaign action
46652 Timeout error when creating a new campaign Critical
46792 Orders grid crashes if the user adds custom columns with spaces in the column name
46899 Order row calculation missmatch in some cases


45613 Redirect when using url-prefix does not work
45636 Page -> Channel tab -> The user has to click 2 times to select the date
46030 Redirect - does not work with query string
46063 If to reopen popup with link to internal page, the changes are lost and no data is saved for the ck-editor field
46092 Naming for the select product list popup in websites
46175 The websites tree cannot be updated if the user creates or deletes a website in a system setting without reloading
46197 If in ck-editor field to add only link to a page, then the saving of a page is not activated
46702 The page duplication fails if the page has blocks without preview
46747 Filter blocks by channel does not work
46779 Generating links to pages with other template than current page, will fail with different action-name is passed in.
46796 It is not possible to delete global blocks that are used in any pages
46808 Empty sitemap and robots when using url prefix
46817 Upgrade script is setting the prefix "" (empty string) of the channels domain url. Critical
46822 Database upgrade creates templates with identical id
46834 Console error if to open draft page that points out to deleted product list
46838 When the page is removed local blocks are not deleted from the db
47331 Global blocks are visible even if it is not active in a channel

Version 7.2.3

Release date: 2019-06-17



45963 Removing of base product should remove category links Critical
45998 Removing of base product/variant should remove bundle of links Critical


45881 Setting active end date for block on current channel will throw exception of not the start date is set Critical

Version 7.2.2

Release date: 2019-05-28

Version 7.2.1

Release date: 2019-05-27


Accelerator Mvc

45777 Applying campaign when using payment widget is not refreshing the widget


45676 Locked accounts can login
45830 Remove user login sets empty value not NULL


45658 Export of products after quick search returns 0 instead of found products
45770 Product field readonly via Litium Api
45821 Exception in product export when options-field not have been configured and anyway exported


45608 User can't browse subPages if parent page is active but endPublished date has expired
45624 Error occurs when setting sitemap includeProducts=true if there is product that exists in sibling categories
45829 url not populated for website pages Critical

Version 7.2.1-patch-1905161008

Release date: 2019-05-16



45676 Locked accounts can login


45658 Export of products after quick search returns 0 instead of found products


45608 User can't browse subPages if parent page is active but endPublished date has expired
45624 Error occurs when setting sitemap includeProducts=true if there is product that exists in sibling categories

Version 7.2.0

Release date: 2019-05-03


Accelerator Mvc

44871 Eliminate window.__litium.reduxActions and
45020 Klarna Checkout v2 in Accelerator 7


44975 Improvement of the currency settings "Use default from website culture" Breaking change
45031 Read only setting for fields


44489 Modify Assortment filter
44494 Add Stock level filter
44495 Add Price filter
44978 InventoryItem improvements
45497 User dataservice instead of search index for generation of price agent feed
45599 Ability to turn of indexing of prices and inventory items


45251 Allow custom prefix for order and delivery number to be changed in solution
45384 Campaign engine improvements
45503 Return management API


44487 Better indication when moving a page
45498 Use dataservice for products when generating sitemap


Accelerator Mvc

44395 Need to show notification when reorder, approve or cancel order on public site accelerator
44660 ViewOrder page shows person's customer number, instead of company's customer number for the b2b scenario
44912 Price is displayed and wrong currency symbol Critical
44956 Wrong B2B Order information
44958 No feed back after pressing confirm in checkout
44959 Enter after selecting hit i quicksearch doen't load product page
44960 Search result page filter not working if searching by product name with special characters Critical
44965 Swedish translation on my page
44971 Multiple channels on the same domain name will share shopping cart information
45004 Reloading receipt page results in empty recipt
45025 Categories not published in channel still displayed in mobie view
45026 Issues with quick search Critical
45034 Categories navigation should not use the field ShowInMenu
45057 Got the error on my pages if user create b2b order in BO
45058 Orderconfirmation page not working if pointer is not to specific channel Critical
45083 Loginpage doesn't redirect to current page
45087 Can't add product to cart if it has no image
45092 New menu item didn't show up in top menu
45108 Is in stock not working
45115 Can not use filter in category based url
45142 Best price used. Not best price for selected organisation Critical
45147 Some lines of code missing from Accelerator DeliveryStateBuilder
45154 ImageAlternativeTextMultiField, ShowInMenu, OriginalParentFile fields shouldn't exist in an empy Litium DB
45163 It is hard to check/uncheck "Create a set of example products.. " checkbox (accelerator deploy page)
45169 Styling and UI look, translations for the out of stock notification on checkout
45282 Klarna total price not updated when changing deliverymethod Critical
45291 Quantity textbox not working as expected
45306 Translations missing in swedish for all pages in accelerator
45323 Checkout validation when order more that in stock
45370 Object disposed exception / There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command
45373 Ensure structured data that is generated in html is correct
45406 Accelerator missing translation validation.checkrequired
45415 Naming for the My pages - Persons tab for B2B
45425 Wrong name on payment method and delivery method in checkout
45504 Commerce tracking scripts are never loaded in Accelerator body start/end.
45506 Accelerator contains wrong additional payment options
45507 User with Order Placer role should not see or create users for the organization
45508 Error on public site if Login page does not have url in the language for the channel/site
48566 Wrong orderconfirmpageurl when using many channels


45128 Groups with thousands of users cause slow performance Breaking change
45285 Cleanup role assignments for non existing person-organization membership
45329 Can't change password on profile in Backoffice


45549 Dashboard widgets will push down the icons if the name is long


44982 WebAuthenticationService.SignOut is signing out for all available authentication types.
45152 Upgrading from Litium 6 to 7 fails if the same culture but different currencies Critical
45162 Wrong text for BO for content language setting if accessing from 'new' modules
45193 Unable to use entity-selector-dialog in FieldType project
45380 IServiceFactory does not work correctly if defined on the contract (interface/abstract class)
45388 Sitemap.axd throws NullReferenceException if set includeProducts - true
45491 Store activity id in database logging
45556 When scheduled task or startup task not can be found the error message missing details about the task-type
45557 When startupTask type can't be found application can't start and no good explanation


44964 Crash when adding the currency Critical
45097 Page field with multiselect - Can't set the same page from the same website but different channels
45145 Get an error when save multifield with "Multi language" flag in true
45284 Url prefix matching is case scensitive


45059 Can not move files with drag and drop into another folder in tree
45484 MigrationPhysicalFiles has unclosed stream, it must be covered with "using"
45494 Set as obsolete GetStoragePath and GetPhysicalPath methods in FileExtensions


44947 Product lists with channel filter is not working
44951 Multifields value is not displayed in BO for variants Critical
44953 Task field not opened and focused in workflows
44969 Condition name is lost after reloading pages with workflow tasks or product lists
44972 Tierprices are not empty when there are multiple pricelists, but only one valid for current channel
44973 Add tasks condition for Category and Channel shows name in GUID
44974 Add tasks condition always adds is not (not in) when u select is in Channel or Category
44976 URL history redirect is not working when changing a category or product url
44987 PriceAgent caching based on website, but need to consider channel and country
44993 CategoryExtensions.GetChildren method causes nullreference error if channel is null
45019 Multifields value that is displaying incorrect value when switching between base product and variants Critical
45070 User cannot access products and category tabs if not admin
45071 URL Suggestion on BaseProduct and Variants is not working
45073 Cannot go to inventory tab if user has not access right on system setting /Products
45074 Cannot go to Publish tab / Plan tab if user has not access right on System setting/Products
45084 PriceAgentScheduler fails occasionally
45109 Option filter: Filter were added from search does not match when running search redirect to product list
45121 URL suggestion has to work for Categories
45141 Url suggestion doesn't work immediately if user using Enter keyboard to save
45149 Price Agents returning 404
45168 Variant sort order does not get effected on import
45172 Sort order for the variants is not applied in export file
45173 Edit pricelist triggers error if organization is deleted Critical
45209 Pointer field for page not added to Lucene index
45210 Pointer field shows no error message from IValidationRule
45224 Multiple pricelist filtering error
45265 Filter tag condition is showing id instead of template name
45272 Error when editing pricelist with group that was deleted
45289 Checkbox "Is not" should be change to "Not in"
45300 Text "null" at filter tag for Boolean field type
45317 There is no error in import if for variantof to set an article number of another variant
45343 Cannot delete field in multi-field if has more than 1 field in the multi-field
45347 Workflow and smart product list using published on filter condition is not working after upgrade to Litium 7
45379 Multifield with mediaPointerFile throws error
45399 Saving dynamic product list will cause exception in log Critical
45490 Price agent files should not be replaced if generating throws exception
45495 Workflow engine sometimes enter two connections for the same variant and task that not is handled during deletes
45550 Wrong language used in conditions: filter field name
45555 Vat column in DB table Products.PriceListItem should be removed
45558 Publish tab for products is not working if you have thousand variants


40664 Currency symbol display for product listings is taken from server settings, not from website
45005 Firefox - paging doesn't work in Litium backoffice for 'old' grids
45007 Ecommerce back office crash if there is additional order info key with many characters
45016 Can't set campaign page for the campaign
45017 Clear is not working for the 'active' filter in campaigns grid
45113 UI imrpovements for the campaign pages and channels when editing campaign on BO
45216 Deleting campaign can cause application to restart Critical
45472 Got error when setting delete order automatically


43257 The page on the left menu could not be selected if user go to edit page by url
44600 not possible to drag and drop into trashcan from tree
44948 MetaCanonical tag doesn't render a full url for pages
44983 Information about the channels that a page/block is published is not search indexed.
45002 Multifield does not store arrays with correct sort index
45010 Get an error when open page on a public site. with selected 'end date' but not 'start date'
45013 Error if page has a multifield with no selected fields
45053 ExcludeTags doesn't work with the TagNames.PageId tag
45069 Accelerator search for pages will not limit the result to pages that is active on the channel
45098 WebsitesEntityMigration script - imageFieldIdForMultiField field has wrong name, must be "ImageMultiField" instead of "ImageTextMultiField"
45122 Page field with multiselect - channelSystemId disappears from the PointerPageItem field
45247 Fails to map Page -> PageModel
45268 Can’t edit last block field
45296 Date-time field: Edit & view are not aligned on block panel (Websites module)
45372 Showing lock icon for media image / file if files were setup using but then they were deleted in media module
45577 "Index this page" should be true as default when creating a new page

Version 7.2.0-patch-1903151914

Release date: 2019-03-15


Accelerator Mvc

44871 Eliminate window.__litium.reduxActions and
45020 Klarna Checkout v2 in Accelerator 7


44975 Improvement of the currency settings "Use default from website culture" Breaking change
45031 Read only setting for fields


44489 Modify Assortment filter
44494 Add Stock level filter
44495 Add Price filter
44978 InventoryItem improvements


Accelerator Mvc

44395 Need to show notification when reorder, approve or cancel order on public site accelerator
44660 ViewOrder page shows person's customer number, instead of company's customer number for the b2b scenario
44912 Price is displayed and wrong currency symbol Critical
44956 Wrong B2B Order information
44958 No feed back after pressing confirm in checkout
44959 Enter after selecting hit i quicksearch doen't load product page
44960 Search result page filter not working if searching by product name with special characters Critical
44965 Swedish translation on my page
44971 Multiple channels on the same domain name will share shopping cart information
45004 Reloading receipt page results in empty recipt
45025 Categories not published in channel still displayed in mobie view
45026 Issues with quick search Critical
45034 Categories navigation should not use the field ShowInMenu
45057 Got the error on my pages if user create b2b order in BO
45083 Loginpage doesn't redirect to current page
45087 Can't add product to cart if it has no image
45092 New menu item didn't show up in top menu
45108 Is in stock not working
45115 Can not use filter in category based url
45142 Best price used. Not best price for selected organisation Critical
45147 Some lines of code missing from Accelerator DeliveryStateBuilder
45163 It is hard to check/uncheck "Create a set of example products.. " checkbox (accelerator deploy page)
45169 Styling and UI look, translations for the out of stock notification on checkout


45128 Groups with thousands of users cause slow performance Breaking change


44982 WebAuthenticationService.SignOut is signing out for all available authentication types.
45152 Upgrading from Litium 6 to 7 fails if the same culture but different currencies Critical
45162 Wrong text for BO for content language setting if accessing from 'new' modules
45193 Unable to use entity-selector-dialog in FieldType project


44964 Crash when adding the currency Critical
45097 Page field with multiselect - Can't set the same page from the same website but different channels
45145 Get an error when save multifield with "Multi language" flag in true


45059 Can not move files with drag and drop into another folder in tree


44947 Product lists with channel filter is not working
44951 Multifields value is not displayed in BO for variants Critical
44953 Task field not opened and focused in workflows
44969 Condition name is lost after reloading pages with workflow tasks or product lists
44972 Tierprices are not empty when there are multiple pricelists, but only one valid for current channel
44973 Add tasks condition for Category and Channel shows name in GUID
44974 Add tasks condition always adds is not (not in) when u select is in Channel or Category
44976 URL history redirect is not working when changing a category or product url
44987 PriceAgent caching based on website, but need to consider channel and country
44993 CategoryExtensions.GetChildren method causes nullreference error if channel is null
45019 Multifields value that is displaying incorrect value when switching between base product and variants Critical
45070 User cannot access products and category tabs if not admin
45071 URL Suggestion on BaseProduct and Variants is not working
45073 Cannot go to inventory tab if user has not access right on system setting /Products
45074 Cannot go to Publish tab / Plan tab if user has not access right on System setting/Products
45084 PriceAgentScheduler fails occasionally
45109 Option filter: Filter were added from search does not match when running search redirect to product list
45121 URL suggestion has to work for Categories
45141 Url suggestion doesn't work immediately if user using Enter keyboard to save
45168 Variant sort order does not get effected on import
45172 Sort order for the variants is not applied in export file
45209 Pointer field for page not added to Lucene index


40664 Currency symbol display for product listings is taken from server settings, not from website
45005 Firefox - paging doesn't work in Litium backoffice for 'old' grids
45007 Ecommerce back office crash if there is additional order info key with many characters
45016 Can't set campaign page for the campaign
45017 Clear is not working for the 'active' filter in campaigns grid
45113 UI imrpovements for the campaign pages and channels when editing campaign on BO
45216 Deleting campaign can cause application to restart Critical


44600 not possible to drag and drop into trashcan from tree
44948 MetaCanonical tag doesn't render a full url for pages
44983 Information about the channels that a page/block is published is not search indexed.
45002 Multifield does not store arrays with correct sort index
45010 Get an error when open page on a public site. with selected 'end date' but not 'start date'
45013 Error if page has a multifield with no selected fields
45053 ExcludeTags doesn't work with the TagNames.PageId tag
45069 Accelerator search for pages will not limit the result to pages that is active on the channel
45098 WebsitesEntityMigration script - imageFieldIdForMultiField field has wrong name, must be "ImageMultiField" instead of "ImageTextMultiField"
45122 Page field with multiselect - channelSystemId disappears from the PointerPageItem field
45247 Fails to map Page -> PageModel

Version 7.1.0

Release date: 2019-01-31



40187 Smart group filter: Order website+ time interval
40188 Smart group filter: which campaign + time interval


42558 Pointer field type in PIM


44030 Url suggestions for website module pages
44033 Update Blocks edit UI
44572 Setting Block template icon


Accelerator Mvc

42311 Changing a field required by Accelerator fails the deploy
43206 Take away outer rectangle on forgot password page
43207 Products listings on public site should render only products that are connected through assortment to the market/site
43238 Accelerator public Select organization - add spaces between texts, dropdown and button
43266 Accelerator public site - In filter items add 0 amount if it is so
43336 Style for mega menu if using ck-editor field with link in it
43441 FF, MS Edge, Safari: added person on BO didn't display on public site in my pages / person tab
43466 Search redirect to wrong channel
43490 styling for the pagination for products search results
43718 Delivery address: Enter address to customer information but this address didn't show in order detail
43930 Items on checkout page should be centered if screen has 19"
43989 General error when user places order after using already existed email on checkout
43996 Delivery cost, payment cost is incorrect if user reloads checkout page
43998 Campaign: New price didn't show on product list if condition is User belong to User group / Organization
44002 IE11: Product is over the banner in Product & banner block on accelerator start page
44003 Should disable "Place order" button if checkout mode is company and user has not logged in
44010 Careof and phone number are not updated when user creates an order
44021 Klarna checkout: Cannot get klarna checkout widget if payment method only use Klarna
44050 Show product button doesn't work on accelerator public site
44065 Deployment screen - bad english for showing an error message that entity name already exists
44085 It is not possible to view or add to cart product if only some variants from it are published on current channel/site
44139 Check box" Show only my order" didn't work
44140 Phone number is cleared if user updates address in My pages/ My details
44141 Care of is not added if place order and register new account
44142 Alternative address is not created if user already exists but has no address
44151 Order comment/message isn't added to the order
44152 Brand page detail: add left margin for page header & category filter
44157 After upgrade Litium 7 beta to RTM the fields cant be added because of _options field
44168 Invalid checkbox style in Accelerator deployment page
44191 Category landing page still displayed on public sites even though landing page was unpublished
44214 Miss source map in webpack
44227 Add space between private & business customer on checkout page
44245 Error if place order by DIBS / Payex
44246 Return 404 page if user place order using Klanar Checkout / Cash on delivery
44250 Addresses on checkout page for logged in user show the previous address used by anonymous
44280 FF and Chrome- B2B login page if few organizations - UI for select organization dropdown
44281 if there is no link to forgot password page but setting is to show it the login page will throw an error
44322 UI - My pages/Order history/Order detail page has broken line
44377 Open b2b order detail from order history tab, person address displayed instead of company address
44379 All pre order validations are missing on accelerator checkout
44445 Campaign code text box is missing at the checkout Critical
44501 Translations customer module
44522 Product category filter i left menu display category not in channel
44564 B2b checkout: Should show name of organization on the check out page and order confirmation
44637 Checkout B2B - Country code is showing instead of Country name in the company address
44638 Not possible to sort filter fields
44666 Accelerator field not included as embedded resource in debug-configuration
44696 Error on public site if open product detail with product template "Product with variants shown in a list"
44826 Accelerator similar product list shows variants that not published in current channel/site
44830 Order created by order approver is in waiting confirmation state Critical
44861 Order confirmation email is missing the order details
44863 Newslist error when previewing in channel if one of child news items is not published in that channel
44864 Using menu link with multiple channels is confusing
44874 Error for second address field when editing address on my pages - addresses
44913 Website fields for mypage, checkout... doesnt work if you have multiple channels Critical


43768 VisitedPageCondition doesn't have channelSystemId if targetgroup has more than one condition
44025 User has only read permission but the link Manage address still display at person & organization/ Address tab
44274 FE - Currency code didn't show in Customer- filter condition
44571 Slow loading of organization list
44679 All target group have an automatically assigned Id
44740 Target group - order total condition (number) will be disappear after saving


44884 Sort order of widgets were changed after reload page
44944 Login for dashboard widgets is not working Breaking change


43927 Sorting for the columns/fields in Excel export file for prices and tax clases
44254 Erorr in ProductPriceModelBuilderImpl
44563 Multiselect Image/File pointers are not sortable
44624 No condition name when editing workflow task in Products module
44662 IE11: Bad UI for filter condition
44673 PIM: Error not found (404) when call litium/app/api/pim/field/...
44760 no images are shown if viewing products results in thumbnails view on BO
44872 Possible to create baseproduct and variant with same id Critical
44926 Wrong boolean field swedish translation in product catalog administration


44051 OrdeView page on Backoffice doesn't show channel and website
44442 Combine a campaign with "All campaigns" Critical
44566 Campaigns BO - The campaign can be combined with itself when use "following campaigns" and chose "select all" check box
44567 Campaigns BO - Get "NullReferenceException" when click on "copy" button for the archived campaign
44710 "Clear all" button doesn't work on the Campaigns page after postback
44858 Quantity on OrdeRow is rounded
44887 When editing free gift campaign it updates formattting of quantity and increases it if using different languages for BO and content


42927 Block-Used by tab: Should show the full path to the page that contains the block
43382 Condition filter for the block: Visited category, visited product list, visited product is not working on public site
43946 No permissions error for a block when editing page with user with publish permissions
43949 Better UI for blocks without permissions and disable some icons for hover menu.
43950 PAge or block permissions should be taken from published version, not draft
43953 Without Websites.Content permission it is not possible to create a block
43982 Blocks without permission is visible when previewing with a group
43983 Preview block by group shows items that group does not have access to
43994 Page and block permission are overwrite if other user save the block
44011 If user does not have content permissions for Sites, it should not be allowed to create global blocks
44017 Cloned block does not have correct thumbnail size
44027 Search by pages on BO is using permissions from Draft, but has to only from published Pages
44066 Make a node in tree for websites plural in Control panel
44102 Block status is not updated if user edits block at page editing
44164 Cannot delete websites
44165 Console error (500) when update thumbnail
44196 Filter conditon & Page name overlap together if user filter page in websites
44290 Not possible to publish with children if subpage doesn't validate Critical
44325 During sort re-ordering for subpages if to release button out of drop area button cancel and save are not activated
44381 BE - Unable to click link in Page Preview
44384 Improve the auto scroll when DnD blocks in Edit
44387 Cannot check status option after uncheck it in pages search result in list view
44405 Thumbnail is not updated if to re-order blocks in page
44447 Can't change page name if page name was saved with empty value before
44515 when refreshing the page the language for menu is not from user settings
44620 sitemap.axd fails to include variant urls
44682 Jquery error if insert internal link in ckEditor
44759 Pages moved to trash is restored it you publish the parent page
44790 Cannot get page url if insert internal link in CkEditor field
44812 Validation message should be more clearer if user drag & drop the page into place where such url already exists
44824 When you set a new language as editing language it is not possible to view or edit the blocks.
44825 At blocks view are shown all blocks, even not active at current channel
44849 Warning color on the wrong button
44856 Global block was showing message "Not active" even though block was active per selected channel
44893 Page editting: Block thumbnail cannot be generated in firefox
44898 Pages in trashcan should not have published status

Version 7.0.2

Release date: 2019-01-10


Accelerator Mvc

44716 SEO-settings is not reflected on the website

Version 7.0.1

Release date: 2018-12-21


Accelerator Mvc

44199 Quick search: Suggestion list didn't display if the header of website is 2 rows mode
44224 FooterText2 and Text3 not working in Accelerator
44262 Creating link from SearchQuery will lookup the base page multiple times.
44292 Duplicate page only suggests new url for one language
44295 Sorting for the main menu links is not applied on public site
44304 Accelerator not show menu link on public site directly after they are created
44343 Missing texts in accelerator
44414 Wrong currency symbol in default accelerator site Critical
44416 Incorrect naming in Accelerator code for BlockContainer
44433 Klarna Checkout broken if "URL prefix" is used
44439 Compact facets should not be displayed in desktop mode
44440 Missing translations for compact facet navigation
44481 Landing pages in trashcan are used by the category display template
44482 Duplicated pages with blocks can not be deleted from trashcan.
44483 Blocks are shared between the origianl and the copy when you duplicate a page.
44484 Blocks do not show LinkText field on public site
44485 Main menu link page with page selected does not show the subpages on the mega menu.
44486 Slider block is not working when it is in a landing page
44507 During checkout the order has to be created in Reserved state, not Charge
44520 GA tracking not working with Klarna Checkout V2 if callback processed first
44532 Accelerator public site - sometimes in filter there is one more item for the price, that does not work
44534 Quicksearch in header not working iif using two-rows navigation for header
44535 Product filter apply filter button text
44544 Pricefilter is not displayed if using Category based navigation for site
44865 Accelerator missing translation


44197 Error when add Visited Page condition in target group
44206 Error when saving organization if the ParentOrganization field was set
44215 FireFox - Can't add "Number of visits on website" and "Order frequency" conditions to the target group


43767 Values in Foundation_SystemString is not visible in BO


38629 Cannot get url from internal link in ck-editor field
44219 Customer migration script inserting null-rows in the database for parent organization id
44226 Width/Height missing when creating files
44287 Cannot run database update script from Nuget console
44357 Error in console when clicking on a name of newly uploaded file in media popup in Products module


43937 Can't remove assortment
44129 Error on category history tab if there are duplicates for some entities
44179 Cannot remove fields in PIM
44188 Feeds only contain one variant when grouped on field value option
44193 Images for Baseproduct not displaying in PIM if somehow there is double link to the same image
44221 Moved categories from root to subcategories does not work correctly in multi server environment
44255 Image_link missing in google shopping feed
44256 Price agent cache throws exception if a large amount of items are included in it Critical
44257 Google shopping feed throws exception if TaxCountry is less than 3 characters
44258 Performance improvement in url generation
44299 Change log display loginforow with no info when you change thing like publish channelsettings
44313 Smart product list and workflows always listen to many events for changed entities
44314 Indexing of products fetching all product lists that the variant is connected to with all their variants, this can have negative impact search index speed
44315 Categories and products can get the same url
44509 PriceAgentHandler exception
44510 PriceAgentItemFactory throws exception when called by PriceAgentScheduler
44580 Query Parameterization Critical
44621 Upgrading with multiple Vat rates causes validation to fail


44147 Campaign with the product price doesn't work if user set condition is cart contains product from category
44242 Vat miscalculation in PriceCalculatorImpl


44007 Selected language changes after save
44062 Not clear error on BO when viewing the page in channel that does not have any domain name set
44069 Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'Security.OperationDefinition'
44138 add a page loading sign till page is loaded when switching beween pages on BO
44180 Broken block thumbnail if using "Manage publish"
44185 Cannot publish page because of wrong sort index
44229 Website string is not deleted when deleted and can accidentaly be reused
44263 Page status should be changed to Pending changes if user update block in page container
44283 Can't publish page Critical
44288 Naming of page templates in websites are bad in swedish
44289 Duplicate with subpages gives error if page has no subpages
44294 Website tree view not is same order as page subpages sorting view after a new subpage was added
44403 Search by website texts should not be case sensitive
44460 Sort index is not correct when adding a new page
44497 PageReferenceService need better code-documentation

Version 7.0.0

Release date: 2018-10-24



41572 Category filter


Accelerator Mvc

42465 Remove studio from log file name
42590 Using View overload with layout Littum still try to set the layout
43348 Error on public site checkout after removing a product connected to a campaign code
43364 Item removing from shopping cart not working properly
43392 Unclear controller naming
43393 Cannot browse public site on localhost
43398 Accelerator checkout page - Campaign free gift, free gift is still there even though the condition variant is no longer
43464 Missing nullcheck in NavigationViewModelBuilder
43472 Tax class display as empty guid
43603 Code cleanup
43605 Product grouping is not working - gives 404 error when seleting a grouping option
43723 Add block triggers exception
43933 Accelerator deploy doesn't show any process indicator
43934 Accelerator deployment crash if accelerator name contains space
43935 Accelerator deployment crash with error duplicate key exception
43936 FormatException for images with min or max size -1
43938 Error if page in channel but parent page not in channel Critical
43939 Error when viewing order confirmation i backoffice Critical
43940 Error when viewing my pages in backoffice Critical
43977 Options display "object object" when editing countries
44006 Litium 7 Accelerator checkout template missing name and url
44008 Order page error in backoffice


42040 Could not add Everyone person to a group
43457 Slow performance when upgrading to litium 6 if there are a lot of data in customers module
43597 Smart group order total condition use local culture to format the amount
43976 CustomerPointerOrganizationFieldMetadata missing eq-operator


48149 Cant add google widgets in dashboard


43552 SystemLog.CreateLogEntry(string,Exception) is not creating log entry with exception message


43978 Cant remove channel domain


42194 Forbid DragAndDrop for Root folder in Media
42223 Toolbar buttons: add space between the icon and the text
43456 When running UpgradeToLatest.sql the process will fail because of empty values in Media.File.Id or Media.Folder.Id
43638 Get image url from ImageModel will result with wrong url for resized and original image
44087 Console error if delete a media folder


42083 Google shopping - dropdown works incorrectly - user has to click twice to select and new option - select appears
42203 UI improvement for the product row's height
43585 Excel import is crashing if base product not exists
43645 Smart lists keep containing connection to the products that no longer met the conditions Critical
43678 Can not view details for some products due to the validation message


41799 Error in console on view order page
42361 Unable to sort campaigns if there are a lot of them Critical
43337 Panels not visible in sales area
43351 Copy order does not work in backoffice
43377 Can not order campaigns
43432 some popups are case sensitive to the search (product list, relations, pricelist)
43721 PaymentInfoRowFactory throws NullReferenceException when CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture is not setup as a Litium language Critical


43465 Block wysiwyg editor
43467 No page thumbnails in sites search result
43468 Google analytics script is writing out the $type attribute in the json that is sent to google
43536 Removing a local block from a draft should not be reflected on the live version before published Critical
43553 Sitemap handler exceptions is logged as info messages
43972 No automatic redirection for /litium
44098 Adding permission visitor hides block on page
45049 Rights is lost when copying a page

Version 7.1.0-patch-1810221900

Release date: 2018-10-22

Version 7.1.0-patch-1810222310

Release date: 2018-10-22

Version 7.0.0-patch-1810042302

Release date: 2018-10-04



43337 Panels not visible in sales area

Version 7.0.0-patch-1809070820

Release date: 2018-09-07



43337 Panels not visible in sales area