Blocks are the building blocks of a page and can be re-used across different pages.
The advantage of placing the content in blocks is that you can re-use it on other pages, or re-organise the blocks within a page. New blocks are created in the Websites area. Click All blocks in the left pane and then New. When you create a block you have to choose one of the field templates that have been created for blocks.
When you create a new block it will inherit the permissions from the page you create it on. If you create a new block independently, through All blocks > New, no users will have permissions to view it by default.
A block needs to be placed in a block container, which is a property of the page. There are two kinds of blocks, global and local.
Global and local blocks
Global blocks are universal and can be used in multiple pages. When the settings are changed for a global block, all pages that use it will be affected. Local blocks are the opposite to global blocks. They are only used on a specific page.
If you want to modify the settings of a global block, without affecting other web pages that use it, you can make a copy of the global block and make it local. To copy a global block:
- Go to a page in the Websites area.
- Click the context menu (the three dots in the upper right corner) and choose Blocks.
- Hover over the block that you want to copy and click the Copy icon on the popup menu.
The resulting copy of the block will be local.

A local block can be converted to a global one. This means that the Global flag of the block will be set to true. To make a local block global:
- Go to a page in the Websites area.
- Click the context menu and choose Blocks.
- Hover over the block and click the globe icon icon on the popup menu.
- Select the Global block checkbox, give the block a name, and click OK.

The new global block will be listed under All blocks, and you can use it for other pages.
Draft blocks and publishing
Similar to pages, a draft version of the block will be stored when any changes are made to it. There can only be one draft version of a block at any time. Technically, when the draft is published, the changes are migrated to the corresponding block.
Note: A block and its draft always has the same SystemId.

When you create a block on a page it will inherit the view permissions from the page. You can define which groups or target groups a certain block should be displayed for. A block has to have at least one group as an audience to be visible. When you create a block no groups are selected by default.
- Click All blocks in the tree structure in the Websites area.
- Select a block, click Edit and go to the Audience tab.
- Select which groups and target groups the block should be visible for. Note: The target groups are created in the Customers area.

The above setting means that the block will be visible for users in the Visitors group AND users matching the conditions set for the Test target group.
On the Channels tab in editing mode you can activate and deactivate the block in different channels. By default, all channels connected to the block will be active when a new block is created. You can even set a time interval for when a page should be active in a channel.