From the version 7.4, Litium introduces a new feature for getting Web API information.

The feature is addressed in <your_host>/Litium/swagger but users are not able to open this page by default.
In order to use this feature, a user has to belong to the group that has the “Swagger UI” permission. Look in the permissions tab of the group page of the Customers module.

In the API page, there are three areas.
1. API dropdown area.
2. Method area.
3. Schema area

- The API dropdown area.
From this dropdown, users are able to select what kind of API.

There are four kinds of APIs.
- Accelerator Web API
- Litium Admin Web API
- Litium Connect Erp version 1.0
- Litium WebHook
However, there are only two options for choosing two kinds of APIs by default. They are Accelerator Web API and Litium WebHook. In order to have more options, the group where he or she belongs needs to have 2 more permissions. Look in the permissions tab of the group page of the Customers module.

- The method area.
This is place where the information of all methods of all tags are shown.
On the top of the area, the user can filter these tags by entering a tag.

In order to see all the methods of a tag, click on the tag.

A method has the type, the URL and the description. At the end of a method, it may have the lock icon what indicate that the user needs to authorize to use the method.
Click the method to see the detailed information.

Click the Try it out button to test the current method.

Edit the necessary information and hit the “Execute” button.

The response of the method will appear.
However, the server will return the 401 Unauthorized error if the user does not authorize.
How to authorize
In every endpoint there are lock icons. Click any lock icon and a dialog box will appear.

There are two ways to authorize. The first one is bearer (http, Bearer) and the latter is oath2 (Oath2, clientCredentials). In this article, we use the last one.

Users need to fill client_id and client_secret fields. They are the id and the password of a service account.
Afterward, hit the Authorize button.
Check out the next part to see how to create a service account.

It means that the service account has been authorized.
How to create a service account
From the settings -> System settings -> Service Accounts, in the service account list page, hit the Add button.

- The schema area.
This area contains the data structure of all models.
In order to see all models, expand schemas by clicking it.

Click a model to see the detailed information
Use the expand and collapse icons to show or hide information.