Service decorator

With the service decorator you can extend the functionality for a service without touching the implementation.

The decorator design pattern follows the open/closed principle, which means classes are designed as open for extensions but closed for modifications.

Example service:

    ServiceType = typeof(IMyService), 
    Lifetime = Litium.Runtime.DependencyInjection.DependencyLifetime.Transient)]
public interface IMyService
    string MyMethod(); // define the service contract members
internal class MyServiceImpl : IMyService
    public string MyMethod()
        return "world";


public class DependencyInjectionExample
    private readonly IMyService _myService;
    public DependencyInjectionExample(IMyService myService)
        _myService = myService;
    public void Method()
        string result = _myService.MyMethod();

When executing the Method() in the above example the resulting variable will contain the string "world".

A service decorator is an implementation class that implements the contract (abstract class or interface) and is registered with the Litium.Runtime.DependencyInjection.ServiceDecorator attribute.

In the constructor for the service decorator implementation you can inject the service that is decorated. Example:

internal class MyService1Decorator : IMyService
    private IMyService _parent;
    public MyService1Decorator(IMyService parent){
        _parent = parent; // impl instance of type MyServiceImpl
    public string MyMethod()
        return "Hello " + _parent.MyMethod();

Executing the above example again will set the resulting variable to "Hello world".

It is possible to add another decorator for the same service. The decorators will be chained together.

internal class MyService2Decorator : IMyService
    private IMyService _parent;
    public MyService2Decorator(IMyService parent){
        _parent = parent; // impl instance of type MyService1Decorator
    public string MyMethod()
        return _parent.MyMethod() + "!";

Executing the above example again will set the resulting variable to "Hello world!".

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