What's new?

Litium 5 is designed for the future. New UI. Enhanced product management. Modern technology.



  • Enhanced product management
  • Improved user experience
  • New modern API
  • Improved performance

New features in Litium 5

Enhanced product management

How do you quickly reach the market with new products? How do you ensure that your products have correct, consistent and up to date information? Litium 5 is a modern and efficient tool for product management (PIM). With the new UI and a series of new features, Litium 5 simplifies the daily work of product management. In Litium you manage all product information for your e-commerce site and other channels, such as production of printed product catalogs. Structure the daily work and get better control over your product management with smart workflows. With the import and export to Microsoft Excel you'll benefit from the Excel built in functionality to edit multiple products simultaneously, send the file for translation or move product between systems. With a ready made connection to InDesign, you're all set to take your product data to printed catalog production. 

An improved data model makes it easier for our partners to model solutions for their customers. It also facilitates the work for both administrators and developers by more accurately meet our customers' typical challenges and needs.

  • New graphical user interface (UI)
  • Improved product search
  • New smart product filters
  • Workflow with smart tasks
  • Smart product lists
  • Import/Export to Excel
  • InDesign add-on for easier printed catalog production
  • Enhanced data model

Improved user experience

Competition in e-commerce is growing and it places increased demands on efficiency. In order to meet the competition you need modern and efficient tools and methods. In Litium 5, we are launching a brand new modern user interface (UI). It is introduced fully in the product management (PIM) and will in future versions also cover other parts of the platform. The new interface includes new functions and processes, but is also built on new technology that enables faster response times for an enhanced user experience.

  • All new modern user interface for product management (PIM)
  • New framework and back office navigation for the entire platform
  • New ways to work with product management through:
  • New product search
  • Smart product filter
  • Improved product list views
  • New product page
  • New category page
  • Smart product lists

New modern API

We live in a world of increasingly interconnected services and applications and e-commerce is by nature right in this digital ecosystem. In Litium 5 a new modern API is introduced, built to meet today's needs of performance. In this version the new API covers product management, and will in future versions also include other parts of the platform. 

The new the API has a structure that makes it easier for developers to build custom solutions in an effective way. The new structure also facilitates the writing of automated testing of the customer solutions enabling higher quality. Along with other major technical improvements, the API provides a significant increase in performance. This is especially true when it comes to writing larger amounts of data, as is the case of integrationa. 

  • New developer-friendly structure
  • New patterns
  • New field framework

Improved performance

In a world of ever-increasing competition, merchants need both efficient processes and modern efficient tools. The requirements for high reliability and fast response times are increasing. Litium 5 contains a series of major changes in technology that increases the performance significantly. These improvements are all introduced in the product management and will later also cover other parts of the platform.

  • New modern API
  • Support for the latest version of dot net
  • New and improved event management
  • Refactored Data Access Layer

From Litium 5.5:

PIM improvements

Continuous improvements in the PIM user experience including:

  • New progress bar in product import page
  • Long image names in image dialog display on hover
  • Ability to export one product including variants
  • The import report page now has additional columns for variants
  • Delete mutiple products from search result
  • URL is automatically created for products created with the import, based on the product name
  • Import of media links with the product import – not the physical files
  • Ability to filter products by field template - product type
  • Sorting variants by using the product import
  • ”Select all” fields in export, instead of one by one
  • If fields are named identically, their unique ID is also shown
  • Clearer confirmation alert when variants are deleted from a product

Google Shopping

With the ready-made Google Shopping product feed in Litium, it is easy to configure a feed to Google Shopping. Features including:

  • Show merchant’s products in search result
  • Link to merchant’s product page
  • Product campaign prices shown –always in black

Multi market campaigns

You can now easily create campaigns that spans over several markets, including different web sites and currencies. Instead of creating and keeping track of several campaigns, you can now control which set of markets a campaign should be valid for. 


  • The wizard/guide is gone and replaced with tabs
  • One campaign - many websites and many currencies
  • Easy to combine campaigns
  • The campaign settings are collected in a separate tab

Web API foundations

As a developer, you can now write your own web api calls to Litium using the new service accounts that can be registered inside Litium. The new service accounts are used to make secure web API endpoints for your integrations. 


  • Foundations to build web API
  • Allow external systems to connect
  • Service account - authorization
  • OAuth2 – authentication

Upgrade to Litium 5

Litium 5 is a major version and includes both new features and new technology. When making choices in new features and new technology, we have taken into account what an upgrade will mean for our customers. One part of the new technology is the introduction of a new API. Although the new the API gives a set of values in the form of higher performance and more efficient projects, it also incurs the cost of an upgrade. Therefore, we have chosen to only introduce the new the API in the part of the platform that handles products. In later versions of Litium the new technology will cover other parts of the platform. This way, the cost of the upgrade is spread out over a longer period of time.

Technical upgrade

Existing customers who upgrade to Litium 5 need to upgrade their solutions, including integrations and add-ons. The changes are made primarily in product management where the new the API is introduced. Other parts of the platform are more or less untouched. That means for an upgrade any parts related to products need to be reviewed and adjusted to work with the new API.