How to get up and running with Azure DevOps and Web deploy for the Litium accelerator.
Note, this guide is made with default Litium 8 accelerator in mind.
How get started with Azure Devops and Web deploy for the default Litium 8 Accelerator:
Build pipeline
Variable group
Release pipeline
Should you need more detailed information on how to set up your pipelines, please refer to Microsoft's official documentation.
In your project, add Service-connections to authenticate against the NuGet-feeds:
1. Navigate to Project Settings > Service connections.
2. Click on New Service Connection.
3. Choose Basic Authentication and enter your Nuget-credentials. Your credentials are the same ones that you use on Litium docs.

We are going to use “Litium” since the YAML-sample refers to it.
To build your release artifact you need to add a build pipeline:
1. Navigate to Pipelines and click on New pipeline.
2. Choose where your code is located and what repository you want to use.
3. Click Next and choose “ASP.NET Core (.NET Framework).
In the Review-step you will remove all unwanted steps in your pipeline and then add the steps in the link.
These build-steps are there to get you up and running quickly. Please see the official Microsoft documentation for further options and guidance.
1. Navigate to Library.
2. Create a new variable group.
3. Add the following variables:
PublishName |
<< value of msdeploySite>>
PublishUsername |
<< Litiumdrift-user>>
PublishPassword (make it secret) |
<< password of Litiumdrift-user>>
PublishServer |
Source |
$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_<<Name of project>>/LitiumBuildArtifact (Name of project with leading “_”)
ExtractedSource |
$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_<<Name of project>>/LitiumBuildArtifact/Publish
Some of the settings found in PublishSettings-file can also be found on the customer website.
Select the artifact that is created with your release pipeline:
1. Below tab ‘Variables’, link to the variable group you created earlier.
2. Add stage with “Emtpy job”-template
Add ‘Extract files’-task
Change ‘Destination folder’ to: $(Source)\Publish
Check ‘Clean destination folder before extracting’
Check ’Overwrite existing files’
Add ‘Download secure file’-task (Optional step; Some prefer to have it checked in with the source code)
Add ‘Copy files’-task (If previous task was added)
Change ‘Source Folder’ to: $(Agent.TempDirectory)
Change ‘Content’ to: license.json
Change Target folder: $(ExtractedSource)
Add config transformations (optional). This step uses Magic Chunk and can be installed to your azure DevOps instance from Marketplace
Change ‘Path’ to: $(ExtractedSource)\appsettings.json
Change ‘Type’ to ‘Inline’
Paste following in Transformation.txt
Add ‘Powershell’-task
Change ‘Type’ to ‘Inline’
Paste content from Deploypsscript.txt
Add following variable in this task:
PublishPassword |
This is a necessary step since passwords in the variable group are tagged as Secret.

Feedback and additional questions
Please leave feedback below or contact Litium support for any additional questions.