How to set up packages for NuGet and container images
Packages for the Litium platform are distributed through the Litium NuGet repository. Litium NuGet repository is a private package repository that needs authentication with your Litium Docs credentials.
To set up your system and be able to use packages from Litium NuGet repository you must add the repository with the following command:
dotnet nuget add source -n Litium -u username -p password
Note! The username should be replaced with your Litium Docs username and password.
Note 2! Remember to escape the control characters, i.e. $ if you using powershell, or using single quotes (') around the values.
Workaround for recent issue
If the error message "Password decryption is not supported on .NET Core for this platform" is displayed, please see workaround here.
Container images
Litium apps will be distributed as container images from Litium Container Registry. Litium Container Registry is a private container registry that needs authentication with your Litium Docs credentials.
To set up your system to be able to use container images from Litium Container Registry you must run the following command and provide the password.
docker login -u username
Note! The username should be replaced with your Litium Docs username.