Install empty web project
Installation instructions for Litium Empty Web. project
Follow the steps below to install the latest version of the Empty project.
Before you start
Before Litium Empty project is installed you need to set up the Litium NuGet feed.
Also, set up Elasticsearch, Redis, and Kibana. Please see the setup instructions here.
Use a version control system for easy upgrades of Litium Accelerator.
Install the template package
The Litium Empty template package is a pre-created package.
Installation of the template package is only needed the first time the version is created.
Only one version of the template package can exist at the same time.
- Open Powershell command prompt
- Install the template pack with
dotnet new --install "Litium.Empty.Templates"
After the template is installed, a list of available templates is shownNote: To update the template to a later version, you should run the installation command again.
If you want to install a specific version of the template you need to append the version number to the template name separated by two colons (::) example for template for the 8.15.0 version
dotnet new --install "Litium.Empty.Templates::8.15.0"
Install and run Litium Empty Web
- Open the Powershell command prompt in the folder where the Accelerator should be installed.
- Install the Litium Accelerator with the following ​command.
dotnet new litemptyweb
To include the Storefront API in the installation you need to add the --storefront-api to the commando
dotnet new litemptyweb --storefront-api
During the creation of Litium Accelerator, the restore of projects and installation of litium-db tool are performed.
If the installation is performed without errors, continue to step 3.
Manually restore the project's dependencies
dotnet tool restore
dotnet restore
Manually install litium-db tool
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install Litium.Application.Migrations
Please find more information about database management and how to install specific versions of the db-tool here.
- Setup the database with help of the litium-db tool. Using the command (Note! A empty database must exist before the command can run)
dotnet litium-db update --connection "Pooling=true;User Id=user;Password=secret;Database=litium8;Server=;TrustServerCertificate=True"
Remember to replace the settings in the connectionstring for your database.
Config your Litium Accelerator installation.
See .Net configuration, where you should put common non secret settings for the project (appSettings.json, appSettings.Development.json, and appSettings.Production.json), user-secrets should be used for development configuration and local secrets.
Secure connection (SSL)
Every page should use a secure connection. By setting the HSTS (Http Strict Transport Security) for the domain name, we force the website to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. To configure HSTS, navigate to Settings > Globalization > Domain names, select a domain name, click Edit and then choose to edit HSTS max age to a value greater than 0.
From Qualys it is advisable to assign the max-age directive’s value to be greater than 10368000 seconds (120 days) and ideally to 31536000 (one year). Websites should aim to ramp up the max-age value to ensure heightened security for a long duration for the current domain and/or subdomains.