Save searches as views
This page describes how to save searches of orders as views.
Administrators often need to perform the same order searches with specific conditions repeatedly.
For instance, a user might want to filter orders from yesterday that are still in the "confirmed" state to investigate why they haven't progressed to the "processing" state. These repeated searches are typically associated with recurring tasks that may involve multiple team members.
Administrators can save an order search, including all filters and column settings, as a view. These saved views are accessible to all backoffice users in the Sales area, streamlining the process and ensuring consistency across the team.
Save a view
To save a search for later use, click the button Save view. A popup will be shown to ask for a view name.

Working with views
Once saved, you find your views in the Views dropdown. If there are many saved views, you can use the search box to find them.
To use a view, simply click on it and all filter conditions and columns will be applied.
Click the X icon next to view name to remove a view.