Audit information
Whenever a change is made to product, variant or category, the change is logged and recorded in the History tab of the entity.

Automated cleanup of audit information
1. Litium 7.3
Over time the solution will accumulate a lot of history data, most of which will be outdated and of little use. This data can be deleted automatically based on how old the data is through a scheduled task you set in Web.config
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ProductCatalog.Products.AuditCleanupScheduler, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:45" interval="1d"/>
2. Litium 8
In Litium 8, schedule task use CRON expression for configuration. The configuration will be entered in schedule class.
[CronScheduler("Litium.Auditing.CleanupScheduler", ExecutionRestriction = ScheduleCronJobExecutionRestriction.DisallowConcurrentDistributedExecution)]
public class AuditCleanupJob : ICronScheduleJob
Please read more about detail configuration here.
Set the interval
Under Settings > System settings > Maintenance settings you can specify how old the data must be in order to be deleted. Any data that is older than the number of months entered will be deleted.

It’s not possible to enter a zero or a negative number of months.
You can disable the cleanup task by leaving the field empty.
GDPR audit information
Any audit data related to GDPR is not affected by this task. Please read more about GDPR here.