Price list
The price list entity holds information about the unit price and has connections to country and currency.
It also has a property to determine if the prices in the price list are with or without VAT.
The price calculator uses this property together with the tax class and country information to find and calculate the correct price for the customer.
Best practices B2C and B2B
For B2C scenarios use a price list to set the list prices for consumers. The prices will be shown in the web with a currency matching the cultural content of the website. Read more about setting up channels and countries in the globalization framework to understand better how the pieces fit together.
For B2B scenarios, prices are usually negotiated between the selling company and a buying company. For these cases use one price list per buying company, called organization in Litium. In some cases, a number of organizations belong to a customer group with a certain negotiated price, for example 10% on all products or a part of the assortment. If the prices are the same for these organizations, you can set up one price list and connect it to several organizations.