Use workflows to overview the readiness of enrichment and distribute enrichment tasks to users.
Workflows and tasks
Workflows are made up by a set of tasks that can be assigned to users. For example a task to translate a set of new products, or add a selling description of a product.
A typical scenario is that a new set of products have been set up in Litium either manually or by automatically via an integration. Your task is to enrich the products with market and sales information, for example a translate name to English, and add a description for each product.
To do this you can use tasks to keep track of the products that need completed information.
A workflow contain tasks. A task contains the products that needs enriching. A task can be assigned to Persons or Groups of Persons.
Create a workflow with a task to translate product name to English
1. Go to Products in the top menu.
2. Click Workflows in the left menu.
3. Click the New button in top of the page.

4. Give the workflow a name.
5. In the workflow editing page, click the Add task link.

6. In the doalog that opens, give your task a name.
7. Click Add next to Assigned person, select yourself in the list of persons and click Ok.
8. Click the Conditions dropdown.
7. In the dropdown, search and select the field Name (en-US).
8. After selecting Name, select the option "Has no value".

9. Click Save.
10. Click Close to close the task dialog.
11. Click Save in the Workflow window to save your workflow.
You have now created a task which will contain a list of any products in Litium that do not have any value in the field Name in English.
Read more on how to work with tasks