GDPR is here, and this is how Litium supports it.
Deleting and exporting personal data
There are two ways to delete a person and all orders related to that person. You can't delete several people at the same time:
- Click on Customers and either search for or browse to a person.
- Double-click on the person and select the Settings tab.
- Click GDPR and then Delete to delete the person and all orders related to that person, or click Export to export all personal data to a JSON file.
- Click on Sales and double-click on an order under Order management. If you can’t find the order you are looking for, adjust the filter, or use one of the predefined filters.
- Click on GDPR in the menu bar.
- Click Delete to delete the person and all orders related to that person, or click Export to export all personal data to a JSON file.
Note: The data deleted or exported with this function can be customised for your platform by your partner developer.
Deleting old orders automatically
Your partner developer can set up a scheduled task that runs regularly to delete orders automatically. You can configure which orders to delete based on when they were placed and what status they have. Note that you can't see in back office whether a scheduled task has been configured or not, or what the interval is.
You have to select values for both options (Delete orders older than (months) and Only delete orders with these statuses) for the scheduled deletion to take effect.
- Click Settings > Sales > Delete old orders.
- Enter the number of months you want to save the orders in Litium.
- Select which orders should be deleted by status. If you don't select any statuses, no orders will be deleted. If you want to delete all orders older than the number of months you entered you have to select all statuses.
Note: You can effectively deactivate the scheduled task by removing all statuses.