View a delivery
- Select a delivery from the list.
- Click “View”
Delete a delivery
- Select a delivery from the list
- Click “Delete”. “Delete” might be disabled, depending on the delivery status settings.
Edit delivery status
Edit status allows you to update the status of the delivery.
- Select a delivery from the list
- Click “Edit status”
View related payments and order
- Select a delivery from the list
- Click “View related”
- Select order or payments from the drop down list
Send to distributor
Distribution of orders can be handled by delivery distributors or within your ERP. Send to distributor option facilitates communication between you and your delivery providers. Each delivery method can have a specific delivery provider.
The functionality of “Send to distributor” differs between delivery providers. Verify functionality with System Administrator.
In order to send notifications to distributors follow this guide:
- Select the delivery you want to distribute
- Click “Send to distributor”