Installation and upgrade instructions.
Read the system requirements for the development environment before installing
- Back-up the Litium.Studio.AddOns.PayPal.dll.config file. This may be in your wwwroot or wwwroot\bin folder.
- Install according to the instructions below.
- After installing, enter the configuration information from the file that you backed up in step 1.
- Open Visual Studio and your solution.
- Open Package Manager Console from Tools > NuGet Package Manager menu. If there are multiple projects in the solution ensure that the web application project is selected as Default project in Package Manager Console.
- Install nuget packages with the command in Package Manager Console.
Install-Package Litium.Studio.AddOns.PayPal
Install-Package Litium.Studio.AddOns.PayPal.UI
- Configure the Litium.Studio.AddOns.PayPal.dll.config file. If you are upgrading, make sure this file is located in the web folder (same level as the web.config), and not in the web\bin folder.
- Download and copy log4net.dll. This is not shipped as part of the installation because of an error with the nuget packaging of log4net.